[center][color=lightblue][h1][b]Tenshi Hokori[/b][/h1][/color] [hider=Appearance][img]https://em.wattpad.com/6a4f246f6352b75637aea78d54a2ee3de5a81773/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f47316b4d6f794d396e4b374378413d3d2d3536322e3135656362356231666332663464353233353634333834333730382e6a7067[/img][/hider][/center] [hr] [indent] Tenshi stood there and listened intently, at last he was getting the details of this mission. A joint mission to deal with rogue shinobi, this seemed to be a standard mission. Tenshi paid attention but he wasnt sure why they needed squads from both villages on this mission, but at least he they didnt keep anything from him. Quickly Tenshi hears his brother, brought straight back to younger days of a boy who was unsure of himself. Tenshi could still feel that Botan wasnt so sure of himself and now he had a whole squad to look out for. He listened to Hideo's explanation not going into the details of why this was important to both villages. That part annoyed Tenshi but for once he kept his tongue and didnt say anything, but the look on his face said everything. Things being kept from him still, but he was going to hear out Hideo. When Botan said they found the base talked how well defended it was Tenshi started to try and figure a way of doing this. Tenshi thought of a plan pretty quickly and was about to speak up about it when Botan started to talk about the high ranking crimminals they were going to deal with. One was Ondori Toutenkou, someone from Iwa, Tenshi honestly didnt know much about him, but the other as soon as the name and title came about the seven ninja swordsmen came out, Tenshi's interest was peaked and a smile crept onto his face he said this thoughts out loud , [color=lightblue]"One of the seven ninja swords men Eh? Awesome! We get to cross blades with a skilled swordsmen this will be an interesting mission after all."[/color] When Hideo took over at the end when Bohan seemed be nervous about leading the mission. Right after the talk of started to plan the attack Tenshi says, [color=lightblue]"Well, lets see what we have three squads of genin, three jounin, an ANBU, and a Chuunin. The way I see it, we have two ways of entering. We could sail around and alert every single patrol or go into a tunnels Right? Those were the options I see that have been laid out for us. So why not we do both, One team of or most skilled, go up and sail around get their attention while another goes up through the tunnels and pull the rug out from under them. Their unknown defenses in the tunnels should pull back as they get distracted giving the second team a better window to sneak into."[/color] Tenshi laid out his plan straight out. His idea was to have either himself and or a jounin or two stay in team one while everyone else goes around through the tunnels for the sneak in and attack strategy. He thought of this idea before the swordsmen was mentioned, but his motives of being on the distraction team would be to get a chance to cross blades with the enemy swordsmen something he didn't want to miss out on that he is willing to throw himself into a lion's den to get a chance to do.[/indent]