[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/666349667667148850/683046998881992763/Yi.png[/img] [/center] Yi, who was standing behind Chariot a few feet, did not waste a moment. He rushed forward and launched himself off the higher rooftop as Dominatrix was distracted by the girl hiding on the same rooftop. Rolling as he landed, Yi was back on his feet in an instant, using the momentum to deliver a quick jab to Dominatrix's kidney. Instantly allowing his quirk to seal his opponents abilities. However, he didn’t stop there. Using his middle finger knuckle he started jabbing what seemed like random spots, from the back of the arm, to the shoulder, to under the armpit. Then suddenly grabbing the man's arm and twisting it, while twisting himself to send the man into a painful throw. Nearly throwing him off the roof. Yi then calmly said.[color=157213] “Yeah…. I’m not going to let you even try to attempt that with her Dom...” [/color] He stopped as he walked over towards Dominatrix and shook his head. As he started to laugh.[color=157213]” I cant even say your ‘name’! Funny you should prattle on about suffering from humiliation. You do realize you’re calling yourself a ‘Dominating woman’? .”[/color] Pausing again. He put his finger to his lip as if he had a thought. [color=157213]”Oh...I guess it would be fitting when you’re in prison though….[/color] He kept his eyes on the man, ready for anything. But with his quirk’s sealed… he wouldn't be much of a threat...especially when dominatrix realized what happened to his arms.