[@Blackmist16][@Zillanilla][@Searat][@BigPapaBelial] (Thanks for posting while my net was out!) Breden stepped into the smith's hut, and he immediately felt a burst of warm air, along with the unusual sensation of heat on the floor, something his goblin feet could detect quite well. Clearly, Koglan had been busy. He waited for the others to say their piece, as was polite for someone bringing guests over to a friend's place. Finally, when he could get a word in, the young goblin spoke. "Also, Siwa's about to have her children. She's asked that you visit her tomorrow, when the younglings are born. If I may say so, it would definitely help if you could bring her a bit of food. There's not a whole lot of it in her hut, at least. I plan on seeing her tomorrow as well, in between doing other things with Twig, Vox, and Griz." Somewhat nervously, Breden turned to Twig and Vox. "I have no idea where you'd get a sickle like that. It looks like something a human might use." Perhaps it had been taken from a human farm, although its size suggested that it was too small to be of human make. Maybe a halfling or a gnome village instead? "And not that it matters much, but this sword of mine was 'born' right in this very room." He carefully drew the blade. "Kog made it himself. It's the first tool I've been told is basically irreplaceable. He's not going to easily replace it if I lose it. In fact, if not for Kog here, we'd have very few iron weapons at all. In case you need to know, it's no secret that Siwa's been eager to, ah, provide him with an apprentice. One of her sons has been promised to Koglan's service."