[h3]The Headmaster[/h3][indent][Hider=Xerus DeWent][img]http://www.mens-hairstyle.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/Older-Guy-with-White-Hair.jpg[/img] Name: Xerus DeWent Superhero Name: The Magician Age: Unknown Gender: Male Race/Species: Human/Magi Student/Teacher: Headmaster Physical Description: Xerus is 5'11. He has white hair with a handlebar mustache. He is obviously an older man but he appears to be in his mid-to-late fifties. He stands tall without a hunch and has clear brown eyes. Personality: Xerus is a stern but caring man. He enjoys working at the Academy and interacting with his students. He takes pride in the Academy's reputation and his own. Backstory: Xerus took over the Academy twenty years ago after the old Headmaster retired. He has not aged or taken a day off since. Magic: Xerus is a power magic user. In his younger days he used a wand to preform but now he uses hand gestures to aid in concentration. [indent]Pyrokinesis- Xerus' most common form of magic is fire. He can create, manipulate and launch fire. Astral Projection - His soul can travel outside his body and retain the knowledge he has gathered. Aligist - He can speak and understand all languages. Levitation - He can fly and float above the ground. Stop Time - Is is rumored from his time as The Magician that he can stop time. However this has never been proven nor disproven.[/indent][/hider][/indent][h3]Teachers[/h3][indent]Alpha Biology and Political Science[hider=Cody Ashton][img]https://ethnicelebs.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/RWP-013422-Rainbow-Francks.jpg[/img] Name: Cody Ashton Age: 32 Gender: Male Race/Species: Human Student/Teacher: Teacher/Biology and Political Science Inspiration: Jason Todd, DC Physical Description: Cody is 5’9” and muscular. He is not bald, rather he shaves his head. He has multiple scars that he hides with long sleeves. Many of the students tease him that if he ever wore short sleeve the apocalypse would be upon them. Personality: Cody suffers from anger issues. He works hard to control them. It effects him every day of his life. However he can now see past that. He is able to care about others, especially children. He finds being a teacher to Alpha students rewarding. He enjoys swimming and walking meditation. Backstory: Cody was born on the streets. His mother was a homeless prostitute. He never knew his father. Cody was stealing and running drugs for gangs before he was a teen. By the time he was fourteen he was officially a gang member and getting into serious trouble. That was when he had his first encounter with a Super. The Super ended up dropping him off at a home, instead of arresting him, which he promptly ran away from. Three days later they ran into each other again. This time the Super took him back to their base of operations. He ended up staying and becoming their sidekick. When he was seventeen he was killed by a supervillain. He stayed dead for about two years before he was resurrected. Something must have went wrong with the spell that brought him back. For while he had been angry in his first life, the rage in his second was all consuming. Cody upon coming back to life assumed the identity of Black Justice. He wavered between being a supervillain and an anti-hero for quite a few years. Eventually he gained control over his rage and retired. He went back to school then took a job at White Wood Academy. Powers/Magic: Cody has no powers. However he does have a minor magical talent. He can conjure minor illusions and utilize a self-made pocket dimension. Abilities: Cody is trained to peak human ability. He also uses dual short swords and dual guns.[/hider]Epsilon Criminal Justice: Julius Rees[/indent][h3]Alpha Students[/h3][indent]Audrey Underwood II [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5206437]O’Kay[/url][/indent] [h3]Epsilon Students[/h3][indent][/indent]