Augusta giggled at how unamused Nick seemed about her comment. It was worth seeing how people reacted to her saying that. Still though, perhaps she should figure out how to drain others of mana or whatever it was that the stone had done to her. Nick seemed like a fairly genuine guy and it'd be better to have more firepower than less in the situation they were in. Perhaps he would more easily understand how to manipulate the forces of magic if he truly felt it. Also, however, that could wait. There were more important things to do for the moment. She was sure Donovan and Isidore would bring food of some sort back so they needed a fire of sorts. She just needed some logs and sticks. First thing first though. A small dirt pit. She thought on the issue for a second. What would be the best solution. There was no shovel among them and she wasn't sure quite what to do with magic to turn the soil. She put a hand to her chin and thought for a second before looking over at Nick and Octavia. Wait, Octavia! A smirk crossed her face as she walked the small distance to Nick and Octavia. "If you both want to play, that's fine. But I ask one thing of Octavia first!" The elfen woman looked down at the demon dog and pet her. "Octavia, can I have you dig a small dirt hole for me? Since those two are out there getting food, I figured we should get a fire to cook said food ready. And prepare a watch schedule. Anyhow, I'm going to collect some sticks and other things. I'll be back in a little bit. Shouldn't take long at all." She mentioned. Sticks shouldn't be a problem. If she needed logs, she could probably blast a small tree with her Magic Missle to break it well enough. Then, after her collection, if Octavia had made a fire pit, she could easily toss in the sticks and logs, maybe some leaves and start a fire with her magic. She had a plan, if nothing else.