[center][img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/yjyl2W8THDpaGLnPFFswROcp2AyGK9DqGLbw3Nayr_A/https/see.fontimg.com/api/renderfont4/g105/eyJyIjoiZnMiLCJoIjo4MSwidyI6MTI1MCwiZnMiOjY1LCJmZ2MiOiIjQjY4QzI1IiwiYmdjIjoiI0ZGRkZGRiIsInQiOjF9/UXVha2U/blow-me-personal-use-regular.png[/img][/center] When the seaplane touched down on St. Florian, Jamie hopped up from her seat with glee. That plane ride had been [i]so long[/i], but they were finally here! For most of the plane ride, she had glued herself to the window and gazed at the Caribbean. Or what she could see of it. Most of it had just been water. But now it was land! Because they were here. The plane came to a stop smoothly, and as soon as she could, Jamie wanted [i]out[/i]. In a swift motion, she took her two bags (her suitcase and her beach bag), put on her sunglasses and hat, and walked out into the sunlight. Jamie was the first one out of the plane, right after Powers, of course. Once she was fully out of the plane, he shook out her fishtail-braided hair and took a deep breath of the humid island air. God, how she [i]loved[/i] the Caribbean. Castleburg was nice and all, but it was also nice to be somewhere warm. With beaches. And crystalline blue water… She hadn’t been to the Caribbean since she was a teenager, and she was happy to be back. Especially given the last few months she had had, which had been [i]interesting[/i], to say the least. Jamie had had a “vacation” a few months ago, but it hadn’t been much of one. Sitting around on her couch for a few weeks waiting for her body to heal wasn’t a vacation. That was why she was happy to have a real vacation! Plus, all of her friends were here. Well… some. Really just Tom and Joseph, but they were plenty fun. In preparation for the tropics, Jamie was wearing a [url=https://img.ltwebstatic.com/images2_pi/2019/04/01/15540973321521452026_thumbnail_600x799.webptropical] buttoned maxi dress[/url], leather sandals, a floppy hat, and sunglasses. She had also braided her hair into a fishtail, which she was quite proud of! There were a ton more outfits in her suitcase (she had mostly borrowed from her younger self, but had also done a lot of shopping), so she was prepared for anything that would come their way! Jamie listened to Powers and Naomi Lewi. Dinner at 8:00! She would be there. [color=Goldenrod]“See you then!”[/color] she said as Powers walked off. This whole place seemed so [i]fun[/i]. And the beach was calling to her! Jamie stepped forward to take her envelope, opened it, and squinted at its content. [color=Goldenrod]“Sea Turtle Hut, huh…”[/color] she muttered, and took out her keychain. It was a [i]sea turtle[/i]! How cute! Jamie squealed a teensy bit. Then, she grinned wide and dashed off to go look for her room. Unpacking wasn’t too strenuous of a process if you didn’t actually [i]unpack[/i]. Jamie just sort of dumped her suitcase onto the floor, threw some bags of toiletries into the bathroom, and ran back out again. It was too nice of a day to unpack! She’d do it later. Or maybe never. A suitcase was a fine dresser, even though her room had one. Her room was nice, actually. It was themed around the sea turtle, so it was blue and green all over. But Jamie couldn’t be entertained for long by looking around her room. She needed something to do! Without bothering to put on sunscreen (sunscreen was for chumps), Jamie grabbed her beach bag and left her villa. Now it was just time to find someone to hang out with. She heaved a sigh. Everyone she knew seemed to be in their villas. But she [i]did[/i] see someone she had met a few times! An awkward, teenager-looking guy was wandering around. Jamie racked her brain for his name. Chad? Chase? She was pretty sure it was Chad, but she could be wrong… Jamie ran up to him anyways. [color=Goldenrod]“Hey, Chad!”[/color] she yelled, and stopped right in front of him. [color=Goldenrod]“This place is [i]so[/i] nice. There’s a beach, and a bar, and an ocean, and a lot of cool stuff… wanna hang out, maybe? We have a lot of time until dinner with the director. We could build a sand castle or, like, go swimming… it’ll be fun!”[/color] Jamie grinned. What was a vacation for if not hanging out with people? [center][@Duoya][/center] [hr][hr] [center][img]https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/D84wsDmh9oneB6oUpN70-Ls6I0IUvJLXygQzdM10Ot8/https/see.fontimg.com/api/renderfont4/vY07/eyJyIjoiZnMiLCJoIjo4MSwidyI6MTI1MCwiZnMiOjY1LCJmZ2MiOiIjQUU0Q0M1IiwiYmdjIjoiI0ZGRkZGRiIsInQiOjF9/QXJpYQ/salikin.png[/img][/center] This was [i]not[/i] a vacation. Patricia entered the conference room with a scowl on her face. She had been promised a full week off- this was total bullshit! If everyone else got to go to a fancy resort in the Caribbean, why shouldn’t she get a week off? Stupid emergency meetings… Patricia flopped into an armchair next to Eliza, slung her head back, and groaned. [color=MediumOrchid]“Ughhhh!”[/color] Once she was done being dramatic, she sat up and gave Eliza a light smile. [color=MediumOrchid]“Hey, Ellie. Hug?”[/color] When Eliza said yes, Patti leaned in for a long, sweet side-hug. She almost wanted to kiss her, but everyone was here! Even people she didn’t know… Looking around the room after hugging Eliza, Patti noticed several people she had never met. Which was strange! There was a brown-haired man, a dark-skinned woman, and a gangster-looking blonde lady, all of whom she didn’t know. She looked at the three of them for a short moment and then shrugged. Didn’t matter. If they were here, they were here. Whatever. The last couple of months had been… strange for Patti, to say the least. After that whole fiasco with the coup, she had had a lot of bonus money and a lot of time off. After she had been accused of murder, no one had wanted her back at HERO One for quite a bit. So… she had gone on vacation! A real one, with her mom. They had gone on a week-long cruise to the Caribbean a month or so ago, which had been a ton of fun. They had never really gone on vacations like that before, so it was exciting to Patti. And in Castleburg, people had started to recognize Patti. In a positive way! Apparently, that whole disaster had netted her some fame. Which was… weird. Patti sat up straight in her seat when Christina walked into the room. She looked serious. Patricia took her manila folder and immediately popped the peppermint into her mouth. Hopefully that hadn’t been important or anything. She put her best serious face on and listened to Christina speak. Well, this sounded… serious. The Black Boron, huh? A superhero killer. An [i]old[/i] one. Shouldn’t he be in a nursing home or something? An old dude couldn’t pose that much of a threat, although she supposed she should probably listen to Christina. Couldn’t be [i]too[/i] hard though. Plus, they got to go undercover. So Patricia opened her folder, and sorted through its contents. [color=MediumOrchid]“Oh God, please don’t give Eliza a Dungeons and Dragons character sheet,”[/color] Patricia groaned, jokingly, and glanced at her girlfriend. Having involuntarily played in a campaign or two with Eliza, Patti knew how excited her girlfriend could get about this nerd stuff. [color=MediumOrchid]“[i]Please[/i] don’t tell me you brought any dice today.”[/color] [color=MediumOrchid]“Anyways, this shouldn’t be too hard. Not harder than the Gugliano bit, at least. I think I’ll be… hm. Keeping with the Irish theme, I’ll be Patricia O’Connor? My first name’s Irish enough. But we definitely shouldn’t all keep our first names! Mine just sounds Irish. Ooh, and we all need backstories… definitely not gonna be a prostitute this time, so I’ll be a gangster or something…”[/color] It had been a while since Patricia had actually gone undercover, so she was looking forward to it again. She had definitely toughened up since the last time they had went undercover. [center][@Amethyst][/center]