[h3][u]Pokemon OC[/u][/h3] Pokemon: Kabuto Nickname: Trillo Level: 20 Nature: Naive Moves: Harden, Sand-Attack, Aqua Jet, Scratch Personality: Trillo is quite curious, but sometimes he’s afraid to ask his questions, for fear that other Pokemon might consider them stupid questions. He is drawn to things like history and mythology. He tries to be friendly and optimistic. But if he gets overwhelmed by too many new things he might shut down and hide in his shell until he feels safer. He’s still getting used to the customs of this time period. Trillo has no distinct memories of his ancient life before revival, but sometimes bits of memories will come through in dreams. Background: Trillo’s earliest memory is waking up in a strange small cave with lots of harsh flashing lights. Soon later, a weird-looking Pokemon picked him up! But instead of eating him, the “trainer” sucked him into a ball, where he lost all awareness again until the “human” decided to summon him. It was a scary time. The human was kind to him, feeding him and carefully petting him and taking care of his needs. It was sort of like a mother, in a way. But sometimes the trainer forced him to battle with other strange Pokemon he had never heard of before and didn’t know how to fight. Trillo eventually understood that these battles were for some purpose other than eating the loser, but he never quite figured out what that purpose really was. There were a lot of other things that confused him, too… like, why didn’t he have any childhood memories? And yet, everything around him seemed like it was from another world, though he didn’t have a clear idea of what the ‘real world’ was supposed to be like? Why did other Pokemon look at him like he was weird when he tried to do normal things like eat the fallen and hide from the giant fireball in the sky? Trillo tried to keep up a positive and curious attitude, but depression crept in. Did he really [i]belong[/i] anywhere? The answer came when the trainer took all her captured Pokemon to visit the ocean. Somewhere deep inside, Trillo KNEW this was his home! It took a few attempts to escape from the watchful human, but Trillo made it into the ocean to start looking for answers to all his questions. He hitched a ride underneath some sort of GIANT steel-type Pokemon and met a wild Octillery also latched to the fast-moving creature. He had a good conversation with the tentacled Pokemon, who patiently gave him some tips for living in the wild. He also told some stories about his home region, including how some hidden place in the middle of the islands is the original source of all the waters in the world! Trillo was amazed and asked how to get there, but the Octillery laughed and said it was just a myth. But Trillo didn’t listen – he now had a goal. If anything could help him answer the strange questions about his origins, maybe such a fantastic place could. Trillo and the Octillery parted ways, leaving Trillo alone in the ocean with nothing but a mythical goal. *Don't feel intimidated by the wall of text, I know I'm being excessive, haha. **Certain details like level and location of his goal can be changed in order to better work with other OC's.