[i]~A thrill runs through his body at the sound of Enasi's voice and he chuckles lightly. He watches as the other discovers the newness beneath them and murmurs, “A wonderful feeling, isn't it?” Dragging his foot across the tips of the blades of grass he sighs. He follows Enasi's gaze to the emptiness around them, which is not nearly as empty as it was before. His heart leaps at the sight of little pinpricks of light in the distance. [b]So beautiful. I wonder what they are. . .[/b] Then the Dream Guardian speaks again. He can feel his heart sink a bit. “So you've been all alone here too. . .” The simple statement tugs at his chest but something about the place around them draws away the dark feelings and he ends up smiling. A shock runs through him as suddenly a fresh evening breeze flows over them, tossing his hair about his body. He hadn't even noticed before that his battle braid was gone in this realm. With a faint chuckle he squints his eyes, a sparkle in the distance reminding him of starlight on water catching his attention. [b]A lake?[/b] The energy around them feels so strange. It's not positive, it's not negative. Seishu can only think of it as a pleasant neutral and with a laughing he reaches out to Enasi. The mark on the back of his hand pulsates as he takes Enasi's hand in his own, the two symbols coming closer together than they have ever been as Seishu pulls the other guardian to his feet. Without a word he takes off full speed towards the lake, somehow knowing that Enasi will be able to keep up just fine as he practically flies.[/i]