Frosiien gave a small smile towards Andy before she looked towards the shrine and the runes before she stepped forward, linking her arm with Andy's as she walked forward. "Come, it should be ready." She said gently, tilting her head towards Andy gently. Saveri perked up as he heard everyone talk about being ready. "Oh of course!" He called out for the humans, moving to sit on top of the shrine and slowly spun in place. Each of the runes slowly started to glow before they started to properly shine, the ground that the runes that were carved into seemed to crack, the grass flattening itself as a crack appeared on the shrine; it started to split in two, revealing the small portal that everyone would have to travel through. Saveri grinned once he was finished and stopped his spinning, "Come, come!" Frosiien gently pulled Andy along, "The portal won't hurt, you may feel a bit shaky." She started as she looked around, "The others are either already there, or they'll be coming later." Cloud and Dera glanced towards the portal, Cloud walking over and gently placing Missy in Michaels' arms; making sure to push his arms over her to keep her close before he and his sister headed through the portal. Illia let Michael go before she looked towards the shrine. She was about to speak before Saveri did what he needed to do. "Now it seems~" She grinned as Cloud moved to give Missy back to Michael before she floated over to her brother to enter the portal by his side. Gavin pulled away from the Giratina and sneered at her before he stepped over to Mindy with a small smile. "Right." He said sternly, "Shall we Mindy?" He asked her as he gave a small nod to the small sisters. Robin looked to Mabel and bowed her head. [i]"A pleasure, I am Robin. I am Giratina's Guardian."[/i] She said as the human Giratina stepped over to her guardian and took Sparky from her wings gently. Sparky's tail was wagging happily when Robin had her, but it wagged even faster when Giratina had her. [i]"Mindy is with Gavin?"[/i] Robin asked the humans Pokemon with a tilt of her head.