They were almost to the Square when suddenly Cadence veered down a side road. [color=39b54a]"Cadence!"[/color] he yelled after her but to no avail. [color=39b54a]"Sh*t,"[/color] he said wheeling the bike around in a tire screeching turn. He sped off again and turned onto the road she had only to see her hugging another meta. He clicked his tongue in disapproval and using the mark reached out to Ruyn [color=39b54a][i]Keep going, we have to find Icon. I'll stay here with Cadence, she appears to have found a 'friend'. We'll meet you there.[/i][/color] He skidded to a halt and brought up the alien gun he'd nabbed earlier, taking out two targets as they attempted an ambush on the distracted pair. The sound of the gun firing died down just in time for him to hear the other Meta call her 'Louisa' [i]He knows her...?[/i] He made his way over to them firing sporadically as aliens showed up. [color=39b54a]"You could have warned me Cadence,"[/color] he said as soon as he was close enough to be heard, [color=39b54a]"I'm glad you found your friend, but we have to keep moving."[/color] He fired some more rounds off to the right. To 'Nathan' he said, [color=39b54a]"We are headed to the Square to rendezvous with Icon and anyone else we come across to coordinate a counter attack. You coming?"[/color] A ship rounded the corner just then and started firing on their group, thankfully the first few shots missed allowing Muerte to fire back. He aimed for the thrusters of the ship and after several misses struck true. The ship went careening out of control and collided with a nearby building before exploding in a ball of fire. The building managed to stay upright but had a chunk taken out of the first five floors. Muerte sighed with relief and turned back to the other two. [color=39b54a]"If you can just say yes and get on the space panther I would really appreciate it."[/color]