Kaze's eyes closed as he went into the secret portion of the DHA. That little underground bit that normal society didn't know of and would probably have screaming nightmares if they could see some of the creatures that frequented it. He knew the saying, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, but he never cared for it. He didn't trust even a fraction of the youkai, demons, and spirits he had met over the years. Did he kill indiscriminately? No, that was foolish and would paint an utterly massive target on his back. He was strong, powerful even, but he wasn't unkillable. His huge mitts for hands ran through his hair, ruffling the already wild and pointed locks when a breeze kicked up. A breeze underground. Sighing an eye opened and there was a small female youkai with a piece of paper. Plucking it out of the outstretched hand the girl zipped off, a speed demon. Oooo clever word play here! Glancing down at the paper, a meeting? They did those here? Normally all he got was a call over the phone to let him know what's going on. Guess the Japs were more formal. Or maybe he just wasn't ranked high enough to get into meetings back home. Physical might did not dictate whether you were of high standing after all. Blah, it was too late for him his brain was going haywire with every stray thought. A hand ran down his face before both eyes opened and he made his way to the meeting room. That was probably why the place felt so deserted, humans were in bed. You know...he didn't see any no smoking signs. His cigar was out of his pocket and held in his mouth while he dug around in his pocket for a moment. Just as he entered the meeting room he pulled out a metal tube with a rod within. A flick of his thumb lit the rod, it was one of those matches that wouldn't be put out aside from smothering. Lighting up his cigar he tubed the match and pocketed it. "So what's up...?" He questioned once he looked up and to the people within.