[@fetzen][@13org][@Jerkchicken][@HokumPocus][@Typical][@Pezz570] [center][h2][color=aec957]Jen Gibre[/color][/h2][/center] [hr] Jen would watch the group would kill those guards before heading inside. He'd frown as he was hoping for something a little more discrete. After all, there would be plenty enough blood being spilled once they got the gates opened and let in the army in. He was lingering in the back, and was going to be the last to act as well. He saw everyone pour into that room and found himself hesitating, lingering at the edges. [color=aec957]"I'm heading directly to the southern wall outside. I figure it might be good to cause a distraction for all y'all that are charging forward. Feel free to follow, or not."[/color] He'd say to them. He knew it was a risky proposition to split up from the group. For them it would be loss of potential manpower; for him it would be a risk of being overwhelmed. However, there was a nagging though in the back of his head. It was a too many cooks in the kitchen situation for him. All these people and their talents going off in such a small space made him feel superfluous and that he was better off doing something else. Well not like it mattered now. Barely even finishing his train of thought, Jen was already moving away from the group or rather rushing ahead of them. He'd make an effortless bound to take him to the top of the wall. From there it was race to the southern wall. He was hoping that by attacking from behind them it would cause some chaos and help with opening the gate faster. He wanted to destroy that seed as soon as possible. Not only would it would be disruptive and annihilate the cult's forces, it would save lives. Since the ones who weren't completely corrupted by the insight would revert and would hopefully save them from being slaughtered by the army.