Robert came to a stop as well, looking at the raging Primeape who is thrashing around and stomping it's fists down onto the ground in a blind rage. The boy understands the danger, when running into them. Since they don't know what caused them to go rampaging, as well as being a fully evolve Pokemon. He and Leaf that he saw stopping herself, from the pokemon. His pokemon are consider beginners level, as they haven't really fought all that much, when he lived in Saffron city. All the while not really heading on out of the city, until he wanted to officially become a trainer and start his journey with Oak's pokedex. The boy lifted his Pokedex in order to register it's data and information about it. "Primeape the pig monkey Pokemon: It grows angry if you see its eyes and gets angrier if you run. If you beat it, it gets even madder." Robert sighed out, knowing that they would have no choice but to Battle the wild Pokemon. For any chances of running, or avoiding it. Now the only worriment Robert has..if they will be able to take out such a strong pokemon. Importantly why was a Pokemon like Primeape? Near Viridian city...the most common pokemon are Rattata, Pidgey, Mankey, Nidoran male and Nidoran Female. "Alright then come out Pikachu!" Robert called out and sent his electric partner out. Who burst out from the Pokeball and appears in front of him and Leaf. "PIKA!"