Adam gently nudged his own bowl of sludge and found that he too had some sort of bug in his food. He looked to Kijani and shrugged. This might have been a bad idea, but if they were going to find Master Yoda, then they needed to play nice. The young jedi took a mouth full of stew, slug included. It tasted... slightly better than expected, but it still felt like he was swallowing a ball of snot. He ate the rest of the stew quickly, hoping that the taste would improve. When he was done, he put his bowl down. "Is Master Yoda far from here?" he asked, trying not to sound impatient. "No." the creature said. "Very close he is, young Skywalker." Adam leaned back and rested his hand back on his lightsaber. "I don't seem to remember giving you my name, friend."