[b]Sazkarjhit Diplomacy[/b] "Oxygen? Are you aware that it can be extracted from water by electrolysis? We've been using that method for centuries, without it we would still be trapped inside the atmosphere of our homeworld. Anyways, we would be happy to give you this technology along with some already stored oxygen. As for the silicon, we would gladly trade it for samples of these other materials. The trade caravans should not be a problem with our FTL methods. Normally we send starships fitted with their own drives, but unknown to many is our internal trade network. Using the same technology used by the warp drive, we can create... corridors that we call 'Krasnikov Tubes'. Most internal ones were made in the pre-warp era by relativistic spacecraft, but now we can make them while at FTL speeds. Using these, we can have ships travel between star systems without the need of onboard FTL propulsion. They also prevent piracy, as ships inside the tube move at the exact same speed. No enemy could catch up, and they wouldn't dare take the tube the entire way to the target system. Any ship using these tubes would need to accelerate to relativistic speeds first, but that can easily be accomplished with antimatter drives, which are used in all of our internal tradeships. As for the military alliance, please allow me a moment to converse with others." Fergus suddenly seems extremely far away, just staring off into space. Inside his head a conversation was taking place, with hundreds of voices. Some shouted "No! They are below even us!" others simply responded with indifference, but most said yes. After about a minute or so, Fergus stops gazing off and returns to reality. "The Council and other leaders have agreed to an alliance! Attacks on your troops will not be a problem, as long as they are fitted with our sensory nanoprobes. They have been in use since the tail end of the Common Sense War. We used them to make sure that nobody within our ranks was causing harm to other troops, mainly because everybody hated everybody else. If any attacks happen, we would know exactly what kind of attack, who initiated it, and where. Security would be dispatched and the attacker given the punishment associated with his actions. Also, during the neural link the subject of medical technology was brought up. We agreed that if you wanted, we would give you our medical technology. Of course, we have no idea what kind of capabilities you have in the medical field, or even what your beliefs say on the matter."