Rareth did not show any of the signs of inspiration that the Sacred Band demonstrated. As many of the other Rothians might have expected, her response was measured and rational. “I do understand and agree with the need for haste in regards to your planet. Even if no Human entered the Cradle again, its influence on your world could lead to a great deal of suffering and death if you were to lose control of it..” She said. However, as expected, there was a caveat to how much she agreed with Freyr. “But, it is also true that times such as these are where you must avoid allowing emotion to rule your decisions.” Rareth said, still maintaining her firm stare towards Freyr. “The willingness to sacrifice and take risks for your people is noble, but to do so unnecessarily will cause more harm than good. Given that we have, gathered here, the most prominent experts from our respective species, that means this research team is not easily replaceable. If you die unnecessarily, your replacements will be less capable. They will work more slowly, if they can find a solution at all, and your world will suffer more than if we had just approached with due cation. For this first entry into the simulation, what we need is this: effective combat personnel, the resources to quickly establish a defensive position, and the individual, or individuals, who can [i]most[/i] quickly establish a temporary transit station. Anyone else is not necessary for this first task and should stay behind.”