[h3]Cole Cerus[/h3] Where are they, Cole thought as he scanned the area. Listening to what was being said while on the lookout for any sign of trouble. But, other than the statue returning to normal, nothing else happened. Nothing at all, no yell or a charge by Chaos cultists. Like this little stunt was not a precursor to anything like an ambush. Just blatant display of Chaos illusions and magic in the open like this. These Chaos cultists are bold for doing something like this, and Cole did not like it. Though the cultist might get too bold and slip up for the team to take advantage of. If they slip up and nothing is ever easy when Chaos is involved. Cole stayed at the ready until Stukov approached and said to regroup. Giving Stukov a simple confirming nod and he lowered his weapon. Before returning to the team, he took one last look at the statue of the Emperor. Standing there as nothing had even happened, and it was never a heretical statue of Khorne. It made him think about what other tricks these cultists are willing to use on this world. Guess they will find that out. Returning to the group but, listening for the sound of enemy fire or something noticeable just in case this is actually an ambush. Still, it was good that Andromedai was okay. Wearing power armor really makes it hard to get hurt. Though not so much for the tree that she hit and him if it was not for Adrianne's quick thinking. As the team discussed, Cole kept an eye out for anything, and when Adrianne sensed a psyker in a building nearby. Without looking at it and on comms just to be safe. "I suggest we pay our new friend a visit before they decide to run."