Collab with [@LadyRunic] "Men and their posturing..." Naysein hissed under her breath, sparing a short glance and an eye roll for the Drow. She didn't waste any time bothering with a monologue as she drew fiddle from its case and winked at Zatana. "Reckon you can keep him busy while I play a tune for our lads?" The drow stared at the orc, and the idiot Prince who charged one. That was the problem with the warrior Princes they just never thought of the fact they could loose their heads. Gritting her teeth, Zatana turned her attention the the massive orc. The thick bone was not something her knives could slice though, but she could see gaps in the armor that she could hit if she was smart, fast and very lucky. Which was a problem, you did not rely on luck. Skill was her only comfort and against this foe that was not much. "Rally the men, though they will dislike fighting along side myself. I shall see if I can make a scratch on him." For once Zatana questioned that.. She was an assassin and facing a prepared giant foe on the battlefield was not her style. She was trained to strike from behind or as a group against such an enemy. She had one chance to deal the orc some serious damage, then it would be a test to lose him again in the battle. The men, she thought, would balk at aiding one of the hated drow. With that, Zatana whispered her incantation and slipped into the shadows, stepping- dancing around the orc to slide behind him and attempt to drive the long dagger she had drawn into his leg. Hobbling the great creature would be of use. The other dagger she held in a defensive position in case he was faster in that armor than he seemed and struck out with a free hand or a kick. Naysein took two steps up onto a parapet so that she could see much of the ongoing battle. The swaying mass of humans and Orcs was mesmerizing to see and she barely noticed herself sway backward to that an Orcish arrow sailed harmlessly past. She took several deep breaths through her nose, allowing the smell of the blood and fear to fill her. It awakened something inside of her, a deep seated longing to burn and destroy. She channelled the feeling into her voice as she began to sing. It began quietly, barely more than a whisper. "Axes flash, broadsword swing Shining armour's piercing ring" She began to increase her volume, throwing her voice as any singer would so that it filled the space around her. "Horses run with polished shield Fight Those Bastards till They Yield" The volume, amplified by her own innate magical ability, rose and echoed back from the massive stone walls behind her as she continued to sing. "Midnight mare and blood red roan Fight to Keep this Land Your Own" For those soldiers nearest to her the effect was almost instantaneous. Tired arms gained new strength, fear was banished from their hearts, and those with injuries suddenly found the will to go on. "Sound the horn and call the cry How Many of Them Can We Make Die!" Ghukk Bonecrusher was focused on the fight as soldiers rushed him. The song from Naysein rallying them to the battle, swiping the heavy warhammer across the first line of humans, sending them flying with many a broken bone, bruise and dent in their armor, the orc howled in outrage as a long stiletto was plunged into his calf. Turning, the orc was quick for his size but the press of men slowed him enough that when he swung the massive hammer towards the drow she was able to duck out of the way. The spine of the warhammer scraping along her chestplate. Tumbling backwards, Zatana cursed the orc as she blocked an orc’s sword and stabbed his wrist with her long stiletto. The orc howled and Zatana used him for leverage to regain her feet. Shoving the orc into the path of Ghukk Bonecrusher’s hammer again. Seeing his ally be smashed aside by the hammer the orc roared in annoyance. “Fight me, coward!” Zatana grimaced, her arm aching from blocking a sword strike. Blood trickled down her arm, while she had saved the sword from separating her head from her body her arm had acquired a lovely gash. Dancing back as Ghukk mocked her ancestors and tried to enrage her, Zatana watched the Prince deal with the ashen skinned orc. It seemed Leonidas was holding his own. A good thing too, Zatana planned on having a talk to the Prince about not throwing her at heavily armored enemies outside of the role of an assassin. Yet, if he did require such of her, Zatana knew she would be preparing to handling this same situation again. For all Ghukk had a limp, the orc handled himself well. Soldiers fought and went flying as his warhammer swung. "Follow orders as you're told Make Their Yellow Blood Run Cold" Naysein could hear the Orc despite the intensity of her song and, without missing a beat, she drew both her scimitars. The power of her own song flowed through her and she could feel the deeper strength of her true race starting to awaken and uncoil within her chest. She flourished her blades before her, a pattern that made the blades appear like a shimmering shield of steel. The first Orc faltered. And died. "Fight until you die or drop A Force Like Ours is Hard to Stop" Her right hand flashed, a single quick thrust that caught the Orc in the base of its throat. It dropped to its knees and then fell forward with a crash to the stone. Even as her blade slid back, the second probed forward, forcing a second Orc to parry frantically, his blade banging into the helmet of another next to him. "Close your mind to stress and pain Fight till You're No Longer Sane" An Orc blade slid down hers and she ignored it for a moment as it slammed into her sword pommel, causing her hand to vibrate unpleasantly. The second orc, his face open in a half snarl, shrieked and fell back as her other blade whipped across his face, opening it to the bone. The first Orc threw his considerable weight against her other hand and she gave way, allowing him to stumble forward even as she snapped the point up to take him in the groin. "Let not one damn cur pass by How Many of Them Can We Make Die!" The orcs were slowly being pushed back by the soldiers with the aid of Naysein's song and blades. Zatana herself was moving among them, dodging Ghukk's strikes and countering with well placed jabs to the gabs in his armor. Both had their share of wounds, and Zatana was beginning to think longingly of goblins. Deflecting one of the crushing blows by tripping another orc who thought to take her from behind into it, she darted forward and drove her stiletto into a gap in the Bonecrusher’s side. Twisting she went into a slide under a fighting pair of orc and men while Ghukk pulled his blade free with a howl of outrage as his brother fell as he turned and found he had lost the elf. Whispering the incantation, Zatana watched the stiletto in the orc's side as Ghukk turned to charge the Prince. Grinning too widely, Bhakk raised his shield and made to shield bash the Prince as he healed his wounds. Hefting a more balanced blade, Zatana sent it flying into the light protection at the back of Bhakk's knee on the same leg she had stabbed him. Ducking a pair of fighting humans and orcs she raced towards the kneeling orc as he bellowed. Using the shadows to avoid the fighting as she twisted over the orc in an arch and made to slash his throat open.