[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=RosyBrown]Anastasia Romanoff[/color] & [color=DimGray]Niko Rasvundin[/color][/h1] [img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/97e585a14935671520d6096019a10ede/tumblr_o4oc53vg4p1tjeiudo1_400.gif[/img][img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/4e1889c150e2d93c2ecc6d506895f523/tumblr_n1uay2iAGc1qcgj4mo2_250.gif[/img] [b]Location:[/b] Niko's Mansion (Moscow; Russia). [sup][b]Interacting With:[/b] Each Other.[/sup][/center] [hr][hr] A portal opened up in the mansion and out walked Niko Rasvundin. A duffel bag slung over his shoulder as he stepped through the portal which quickly closed behind him. Letting out a sigh indicating he was tired from the long range transportation from the Big Apple back to his home-land he took a seat on the nearest couch and lowered the duffel bag full of illicit proceeds onto the ground. [color=DimGray][i]Quite the big load for today, I'm sure Krieve will be more then pleased, Mo's Knights are going to continue doing business with us on top of that we've got future business with the Mao Society coming along nicely.[/i][/color] [color=DimGray]"Anatasia, I'm back. I brought you something."[/color] Niko opened up the bag pulling out a bundle of cash $5000 dollars wrapped up in rubber bands before zipping the bag up. He'd felt that her parents were distasteful in the use of her abilities for the profit, further more they didn't seem to be splitting the loot with her directly even though she was the source of their ill gotten revenue. Niko wanted to change that, sure she was living under their roof for no cost but that was the bare minimum the owed as her 'parents'. The mansion was large, the grounds surrounding it just as much, though nevertheless, Anastasia wasn't surprised in the least as the sound of her uncles voice floated in from the next room. Catching her ear first, and causing her to turn her head towards the call of her name. Her naturally pouted lips parting from one another, lingering in her studio a moment longer, she eventually turned away from her work. Her bare feet making dull thuds over the polished wooden floorboards as they carried her to where she had been summoned. The glorious white wolf moving, keeping pace with her as it walked at her side. He was home. Eyes sparkling lightly as she rounded the door and her dark gaze fell on his figure lounged on one of the couches; she made her way over to him. Her hand reaching out, the tips of her fingers running lightly over Nikola's snout, letting the canine know that it was okay to give her space, Ana closed the gap between her and her uncle. Tugging the bottom of her sleeves down and over her hands before she folded herself down to sit on his lap. Her body curling gently into his The wolf, always watching, having made itself comfortable on one of the armchairs, [color=RosyBrown]"..business went well, I assume..."[/color] [color=DimGray]"Very well, my dear."[/color] Niko was happy to see his niece hugging her briefly but firmly. He was a man who truly valued his family, and was happy to see she was okay. Seeing the wolf also infused him with a sense of relief, glad to see her protection was still around. Leaning down he patted the wolf's head slightly and and laughed. Taking the money he handed it to her. [color=DimGray]"Here take, it's American money, you'll have to change it out but that shouldn't be a problem no one's going to give us a problem."[/color] Although they weren't notorious or famous for their illicit activities, ever since Krieve inherited the family business the were known for their success in the import & export business. [color=DimGray]"How have you been, I assume working on your artistry? You've always been so talented."[/color] Niko said beaming with pride speaking of her success as an artist. Taking the bundle of American cash as it was handed to her, no longer questioning such things like she had when she was younger, Ana lowered it down to rest in her lap. Not so much as looking at the money, her gaze, instead, drawing back the way that she had come from. Staring at the open door of her studio, [color=RosyBrown]"..another one of my pieces became reality... the school massacre... it happened a month ago, in the States..."[/color] Niko knew her parents probably didn't want him giving her money especially that much but he was basically her dad at this point. Hell he was the only parental figure that was around and considering what he did that wasn't good. [color=DimGray]"Really, the school?"[/color] Niko scowled searching his memory banks to recall what prophetic painting she was referencing then a light bulb appeared over his head metaphorically of course. [color=DimGray]"Ah that one... that;s not good at all... events like these are going to lead to some form of reaction from Government forces."[/color] The mobster's head swayed from side to side disapointed in the brutal actions being taken by people with powers that would surely accelerate the potential of them facing their demise by armed militaristic response. [color=RosyBrown]"..there is a preacher... he was on the news with the survivors from the school..."[/color] Frowning, it was a moment or two longer before she turned her head, her dark gaze lifting to meet with his, [color=RosyBrown]"..he is calling to have all with powers condemned to death..."[/color] [color=DimGray]"What?"[/color] Niko's eyebrows raised alarmed at what his niece was saying, although he was no fan of religion this was concerning perhaps more so then his future business endevours. [color=DimGray]"In the states as well I assume, damn it... these men of the holy book proclaim to be the messengers of God, but spread messages of death that would even some of the most brutal members of the mob wouldn't support."[/color] [color=RosyBrown]"..uncle Krieve can be cruel; but even he has moral enough not to stoop so low that he would call for a whole race of people to be ended so easily..."[/color] But that's what they were. The people with power- they were a new race. At least, in a way they were. Shaking her head lightly, her gaze finally dropping to the bundle of cash she had held in her lap, she let her thumb brush over the top bill. An almost inaudible sigh passing through her lips, [color=RosyBrown]"..I shall send you the link to the article... also... you wished me to inform you whenever my parents contacted me. Father called me last night..."[/color] [color=DimGray]"Perhaps I'd hope so at least."[/color] Niko wasn't one for jokes, but Krieve's moral depravity was one that he wouldn't compare to many. But perhaps even he wouldn't be as so foul as to advocate the genocide of an entire species perhaps because Niko was part of said species or a more depraved but honest answer is their was no paycheck involved. [color=DimGray]"People target what they understand, especially in that country. We've all had our disagreements among people around the world, but their the hatred, the racism that oozes through the cracks of American society is truly vile, as it as been through it's whole history."[/color] Niko always found it ironic that America and by extension Americans considered themselves the paradigms of morality around the world. The Land of the red, white and blue was one of grave hypocrisy. [color=DimGray]"He did?"[/color] A small sigh escaped him mostly breathed through his nostrils. [color=DimGray]"About what darling, what was the nature of your father's inquiry?"[/color] Niko poised intrigued in knowing what it was about although he although had a pretty good idea. [color=RosyBrown]"..my father never calls me for anything other than art that would help get my parents get ahead financially in some way..."[/color] Shaking her head lightly, sighing, Anastasia curled her body further into his. Her eyes drawing to a close as she allowed her head to rest comfortably in the crook of her uncles neck, [color=RosyBrown]"..he said he would contact me again within the week for answers that would pay off..."[/color] [color=DimGray]"As I assumed."[/color] He did his best to hide his anger in his tone, after all it wasnt her fault her father was such a user and a scoundrel. To think one could disregard their own flesh & blood like that. Niko extended an arm around his niece practically his daughter at this point and gently rubbed her shoulder. [color=DimGray]"I'm sure he will; almost guaranteed in fact. I just want you to stay safe okay. If people find out what you can do, they will have nothing but the utmost ill intentions to use your skill for their own gain and in far worst ways then your distant father."[/color] He could hardly even tolerate him, but others not even of their blood and using her in even worst ways the very thought caused him to boil with anger. [color=RosyBrown]"..I have nothing to give him..."[/color] Shaking her head gently against his neck, her fingers curled over the cash she held, [color=RosyBrown]"..I've seen no race results... no stock highs or lows... nothing... not since the last time he called..."[/color] Niko wondered if she truly meant that or was finally herself getting tired of her parents only using her as they'd hardly been involved with her life before. [color=DimGray]"Don't worry and you don't have to. If you feel he's asking far too much, I don't mind giving him a [i]stern[/i] talking to."[/color] Although he didn't plan on actually harming him he wasn't above scaring him a bit Ana felt he was getting on her back to much. [color=DimGray]"If you see anything related to the events related to what this pastor's advocating or anything of the sort do let me know. I'm not planning on any vigilante justice or anything trust me I'm keeping to myself, but i'd be good to keep an eye on these matters... if necessary... and if It can be done without drawing too much attention to myself I may intervene..."[/color] Niko paused wondering what he was thinking, he had no plans of any stunts or heroics that could endanger the family, but perhaps altering the tide of the future to prevent the hammer being thrown down on his kind was something he'd be willing to get involved with. Staying silent, her eyes opening, staring down at her hands, Anastasia decided not to respond any longer on the topic of the father that was never there, though always such a demanding presence in her life. Instead choosing to acknowledge his latter comment about her work and the pastor, [color=RosyBrown]"..I have new pieces already if you wish to look at them... I don't know if they'll be helpful..."[/color] [color=DimGray]"Sure I might as well take a look."[/color] He noticed the lack of response on her father's comments and decided to drop the subject for now. Taking his arm from around his precious Ana he got up to go examine the new paintings to see if their was anything. Raising an eyebrow he saw one of a man with the same color scheme of clothing he was currently sporting and a portal opening up behind him and a girl that looked the same as the Prosecutor's daughter being dragged towards it. [color=DimGray][i]Hmm...I wonder if she notices the similarity... it's eerily striking [/i][/color] Turning from that painting he noticed one that caused more then an eyebrow picking up the painting that looked especially fresh. He saw what appeared the earth, and flames ensaring the globe, continents appearing to be on fire. Finally he noticed one that seemed almost finished but the but not yet complete. From what he could see was a group of citizens running in what appeard to be downtown New York, flames behind them enveloping buildings and a cell phone flying out of the hand of one of the people in the crowd running. Burrowing his eyes to notice the date listed on the cell phone May 25, 2023. [color=DimGray]"Oh My..."[/color] He couldn't but help be concerned seeing the last two photo's pondering what horrible fate they could imply, especially chilling as the date on the phone was only three years from now. Having slid off his lap as her uncle got to his feet, Anastasia followed him with her eyes. Allowing him a few moments alone with her work before, taking her cue from his lead, she got back to her feet. Drawing herself up to her full height, holding the cash down at her side; she wandered back over towards her studio. Stopping- lingering in the frame if the door. Her hands coming together in front of her stomach; she toyed with the money. Watching him. [color=RosyBrown]"..I haven't finished those two yet..."[/color] Her voice soft, she leant herself against the frame. The wolf having left the comfort of the armchair, once more sitting at her side. The creatures amber eyes almost holding concern as it watched Niko examine the art, [color=RosyBrown]"..they're part of a collection I call Ragnarök... a series of events... leading towards the eventual destruction of our world..."[/color] So entranced in the artwork he hadn't even been paying attention to his beloved niece. Although the prosecutor one was jarring the two unfinished pieces were truly disturbing especially knowing that her ability of prediction had yet to be proven wrong. [color=DimGray]"Ragnarok like the gods of the vikings.."[/color] [color=DimGray][i]I'm no man of faith, but I do believe in things that have been proven such as her powers... this is not good for business, not mine, nor anyone's...[/i][/color] For the first time since returning to the aftermath of the world after the Incident he was forced to think about what these powers meant, what that event meant, what it meant not just for him but for the whole world. [color=DimGray]"The eventual destruction of the world."[/color] It wasn't often Ana would her her uncle speak with such gravity in his voice and this was after coming home from days filled with violence and truly depraved ruthless men. [color=DimGray]"Honey... this is horrifying... you... drew this with your ability? This was forseen by your powers, do you see the date in one of these..it's a mere three years from now."[/color] He spoke softly his tone lowered to almost a whisper towards the end as he took heed of the date on the cell phone, the implications of which where being seared into his mind and etched into his memory permanently. [color=RosyBrown]"..I know..."[/color] Shifting slightly against the door frame, Ana stood up a little straighter, [color=RosyBrown]"..I have to live with the knowledge that in three years... the world will end... and I can do nothing to stop it... just like I can do nothing to stop any event I see from passing... I'm useless..."[/color] The Russian superhuman was very uncomfortable, while the Incident had unintended collaterial damage from people vanishing while being engaged in such activities like driving, cooking and in some instances piloting manned air-crafts the actual death toll when those who were vaporized had returned hadn't turned out to be catastrophic on a global scale, this however was as his neice aptly described Ragnarok. [color=DimGray][i]Apocalyptic even- not even; definently so. To think her father's greedy ass probably wouldn't be concerned if it wasn't related to heightening his fortune.[/i][/color] [color=DimGray]"Now, now Ana... these powers we've been given, I'm sure you've noticed they seem to grow in intensity and capability as time passes. Perhaps we were endowed with these abilities for a reason, what I'm trying to say maybe... well not maybe definently we will be able to do something about this... whatever this Ragnarok is, to sit idly by would mean to be complicit in well... the eradication of all of us."[/color] Niko was regaining his matter of fact stance, truly this put fear in him like nothing else had before in life. But he was not a man who oozed of cowardice, and although he had no intentions of being a warrior of justice nor taking the mantle of a traditional hero if there was something creeping on the horizon that would end civilization he felt it was his duty to do something about it, even if it was just to protect his country or more pertinent then even that his family. [color=RosyBrown]"..that doesn't change the fact that I am useless- I'm not like you..! I can't teleport myself, or others."[/color] Pushing away from the door, she motioned towards the painting she'd recently done of him and the prosecutor. Her lower lip quivering lightly, a sting crossing over her eyes, tears threatening to spill out as the emotions that she had been bottling up for Gods knew how long came tumbling out and into the open. [color=RosyBrown]"..I'm not like her..."[/color] She motioned towards another painting, this time of a dark-haired girl standing calmly in the middle of flames, [color=RosyBrown]"..I can't control fire..! O-Or like them..!"[/color] Again, she motioned, this time to several other pieces she'd done - a man generating sparks, another man flying above buildings, a woman moving water out of her path, a man balancing large beach balls on his head, a man and a woman both holding onto an end of an hourglass, a white-haired woman staring up at a full moon - before she moved onto one of the very few times her art came in the form of a statue. The statue showing a womans figure emerging out from a tree, [color=RosyBrown]"..I can't do... [i]whatever[/i] it is that she's doing; and I certainly can't fucking duplicate myself like that one..!"[/color] Turning away from the statue, she threw the stack of cash. Not caring as it hit the piece she was speaking about; one of a woman, surrounded by various versions of herself. Falling silent, her arm fell back down to hang at her side. Her gaze dropping to the ground just in front of her, her chest heaving slightly with each breath she took. [color=RosyBrown]"..all I can do draw... and it doesn't help anyone..."[/color] [color=DimGray]“I wouldn’t say that.”[/color] Niko spoke in soothing voice trying to calm his niece down [color=DimGray]“If you didn’t draw this I wouldn’t be aware, perhaps those Americans could have prevented the deaths of those children had the heeded the images you painted of the massacre.”[/color] He did his best to encourage her, truly her ability was useful. Sure he could traverse the boundary of space as quick as he could make his way across the street, but he had know way to foresee and depict futuristic events before they occurred. [color=DimGray]“Whatever you can see or make clear for others you can change or you can influence others to, do not disregard your talent Ana, your father certainly doesn’t and you see he’ been able to earn himself more then a small sum of change from it.”[/color] He didn’t want to direct any praise to him, but showcase an example of how someone else was using her predictions to change things before they happened. [color=DimGray]“I admit I have no idea what this is, and I think it’s of dire importance that you finish this painting, both of the one’s your working on if it can provide more evidence about the source of what’s causing the calamity in these drawings. Your power is beneficial, it may prove to not only be useful to you but all of us…”[/color] Once again his voice took on a solemn tone reflecting on the destruction he witnessed in her Ragnarok painting series. Turning her head, her eyes wet with tears as they met with his, Anastasia stared at him. Her voice soft as she spoke, [color=RosyBrown]"..you want me to finish them... I want to burn them... pretend they never existed..."[/color] Niko bit his lip he never wanted to upset her but whatever her concern or will was he had to supercede it in this situation for the betterment of all. [color=DimGray]"I need you to finish them Ana. Please, you must."[/color] He spoke in a calm demeanor but with a sense of urgency, that artwork had to be completed sooner rather than later to see the full depiction of the horrors that were to unfold on earth in three years time. A breathy scoff-like laugh passing through her lips, Anastasia turned her gaze away from her uncle. Not sure at all why it surprised her that he was asking her to finish the two pieces she didn't want to. Really, she wasn't kidding when she'd said she'd wanted to burn them- she wanted to burn the whole fucking Ragnarök collection. She never should have painted them in the first place. Shaking her head lightly, her hand lifting. Using the bottom of the sleeve to dash across her eyes, ridding them of the tears that had formed, she pulled her hair back and into a messy bun atop her head. Pushing her sleeves up her arms, a preemptive strike to help prevent staining her top with paint as she turned back around to her uncle and the two unfinished canvases. Her eyes already glazing over a sickly white in color as she stared at them. [color=RosyBrown]"..fine..."[/color]