Ricki watched Jill carefully as she spoke, she closed her eyes with a small nod before she gripped her captains hand gently. "Seb can help if you need to learn about Magic." She said, "I wish I could help but everything I learnt I learnt from him." She tilted her head gently before she gave a gentle sigh. "Please remember I am here for you." She repeated, "Please don't hesitate to come see me for anything. I may be a biologist of this ship, but I am also a good listener." Ricki continued before she flicked her ears at the sound of a chattering insect noise. Fer'as' voice echoed through the air towards Jill and Ricki. [i]"Captain I require an audience."[/i] [hr] Avia gave a smile at Alan mentioning which army she's feeding. "I've been studying everyones metabolism." She started softly, Alice looking to her mother expectantly. "Seb can easily eat a lot, I'm unsure how much Ricki can eat and if Ash is awaken by then he'll need as much food as he needs to be ready." "And leftovers will be okay!" Alice added, "We can feed the pups being born and use the other stuff for breakfast!" Avia nodded once at her daughters words, moving one of her lower arms over onto Alice's head gently. Avia looked to Gnol as he talked about working out, "Surely you'll be able to keep your shape with the work needed in this ship." She said with an almost cheeky smirk. The plant that Alice brought on board was starting to effect her more, much to Alice's excitement.