“Heh. Well. If he’s going to be seeing Kire more often you might as well make him work for it,” Narda said, smirking. When he mentioned asking what she looked like, in turn joking about his own appearance, the giantess snorted. “I’m no beauty, myself. And I have been around warriors who have had various injuries. But, if you’d like, there is a mirror in my room. Hardly used, but most rooms have mirrors in my house.” She sighed. “It is safe, for now. You are right about me being fortunate that it is. It hasn’t always been so. And its safety is, of course, a result of privilege. Though privilege hasn’t quite shielded the Wyverns from danger, I realize,” she commented, about to turn to him when she paused. “Have you seen your own face since…?” She paused again, glancing down at their intertwined hands and smiling fondly. “For what it’s worth, I always look forward to seeing you.” -- Kire pouted playfully at his teasing, smirking afterwards before she listened to his reassurances. “Hm. Good point. That is possible. And the Ring hadn’t given me more than I could handle unless I forced it to when I first got it,” she murmured, picking up the Ring to look it over. “It would be rather appropriate to suddenly know how to generate fire. Only thing I’d be missing are wings and scales all over my body and I’d be a proper dragon,” she said with a chuckle. “And [i]then[/i] I’d be run out of town.” She slipped the Ring back onto her finger and continued to sip from her mug, quiet as she mulled over the events of the day. “And I was already looking forward to the waterfalls and the cheese wheels,” she said with a wry laugh after finishing it. “I’m bringing Ysaryn a drink, then will check up on Etta one more time. I’ll be up a while, you go ahead and rest.” She stood, touching his shoulder before going to speak to the innkeeper.