[quote=@Blackmist16] [color=bc8dbf]Once a witch tried to steal my voice by sealing it in a jar yet since I don't apply to the norms of magic...something interesting happened...[/color] [color=bc8dbf]*Pauses*[/color] [color=bc8dbf]The jar couldn't find a voice since the witch was mute nor could target me so...it generated its own voice...to give to someone someday someplace...[/color] [color=bc8dbf]*A jar appears in my arms inscribed with illegible symbols*[/color] [color=bc8dbf]To grant it's bearer one voice to grant its host a way to speak but also grant the bearer a wealth of magical knowledge...and a sound heart....[/color] [color=bc8dbf]*I stand in silence*[/color] [/quote] *Holds up one finger* ... *Shoves my hand into my chest, and pulls out a misshapen, black heart, still beating*