Amal was in an entirely different world here. In Araby there was only a small to middling middle class, and even they hardly had to worry about societal expectations...murder, for instance... that didn't have to do with how other business associates or aristocrats would see them. It was strange to him, having lived through the slums, that Emmaline did not simply want this man dead. A man who obviously had wronged her and wanted to even now take advantage of her. He instinctively knew it wasn't just because they were in a crowded area that she had halted Amal from attacking. Maybe it was simply because Amal had always been wary around alchemists and sorcerers. Except for Em, of course. At that moment, an idea dawned on Amal. He spoke before Emmaline could. "We'll pay you back in two days. Does that sound good to you?" Amal asked, drawing Emmaline's and Albrecht's gaze. Emmaline did her best not to look so questioning, but it was clear she was curious. The man snorted, raising an eyebrow. "My good fellow, I'm not sure what you are to her. A passing fancy no doubt. She's always been into...spiced goods." He said, evidently considering that to be 'generous.' "But I can't hold your promise to any regard. She needs to make that promise for me to believe it. Nothing against you, but this is a transaction between her and I." Amal looked at Emmaline, his eyes asking her to trust him. They could speak about it once they made it up to their room, but as of now they needed to make a decision.