[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/XxeUcZL.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/LP6WAxD.png[/img][/center] Before the bells trolled, the young man once again wandered the grounds of his new home. He had come across a pound next to a greenhouse, he had never really had much interest in plant life nor in fish. His mother would scold him for such thoughts, she always had encouraged him to try new things. Though this whole experience was new to him so he could pat himself on the back for that at least. He did find a nice quiet place to open his journal up and write down a few ideas, that soothing quiet was interrupted by the demon wails of the tolling bells... “[color=#5adac5]Oh crap, not again![/color]” The poor lad was already having issues keeping track of where his homeroom was, but now even more?! Valerian had slipped in the back during the first part of the speech and took a seat next to his sister. After listening to the Professor give their introductions he felt like he had gotten the short end of the stick with his professor. Having a former Knight of Seiros would have been a great chance to practice his swordplay, though learning more crests may give him better insight into how it may affect him and his sister. Saskia took in the professors' introductions with interest. A unit mixed between the nations was an oddity that peaked her interest, though she did little to point that out. If it wasn't for her brother's delayed arrival she'd have thought him to be the first to jump up for introductions. Likely he didn't want to be noticed and called out by one of the teachers. Once again she'd manage to be the first to stand up of the pair, having been too busy listening to even think of a proper introduction but not wishing to miss her chance. [color=C3DA5A]"Saskia Aegir of the Adrestian Empire. I bear a Crest of Lamine and study many books."[/color] The words came simple and true, but short and lackluster. Something she then followed up to try to better. [color=C3DA5A]"Times have been unkind and not allowed for much else, but I hope we all can learn and show each other things this year."[/color] She grasped for more words to not be so short but they eluded her, simply sitting after. At least the ones she did give out were... pleasant? A look almost unconsciously went to her brother to take the scene. Valerian felt his sister's eyes on him and leapt fourth from his seat. “[color=#5adac5]I am Valerian Aegir, also of the Adrestian Empire. Unlike my sister here I’m not much of a fan of books and I believe myself to be quite good at my swordplay. Such that I believe it would rival a former Knight of Seiros like Professor Michail in a duel.[/color]” Words just kept spewing from the nervous man’s mouth... It’s like an outside force had put the words in his mouth. The following set of words should have never come from Valerian’s mouth. “[color=#5adac5]If Professor Michail is willing to show us his skills it would be an honor to duel him.[/color]” The lad shut his mouth, bowed, and quickly returned to his seat as he started to fully understand the magnitude of what he said.