Narda smiled, enjoying the way he held her and caressed her arm as he spoke. “In this house, alone, yes. Though it is large, it is not quite as large as my father’s estate. Though my mother and father do not live too far from here. This house was rather recently finished, though the lands have belonged to our family for a long time. As you can imagine, my father does not approve of my, ah, adventuring. I left home years ago, met Kire, Myka, and the girls then, was estranged from the family for a little while. But now that I have been offering to take over as Countess, old as he is, he is also too stubborn to retire from his lordly duties.” Narda chuckled. “Quite unlike Kire, in that respect then.” “But other than worrying about the life I lead, they live comfortably enough. I don’t have siblings, unless you count half-siblings that I don’t have much of a relationship with.” She snorted. “It gets easier to shut up my father’s criticisms by pointing out his own faults. Heh. That, and you can imagine at this point in time it would be hard to pick a fight with a daughter who towers over you.” She laughed then, looking at him. She brushed her fingers against his cheek, her eyes going over the scarred face, the mangled ear. “I would ask about your old life, but I know those tales would be filled with pain.”