Full of surprises. Envy didn't quite comprehend that bit, as it was hardly surprising in his own world that no female ever looked at him in the way he would guess in the way Narda now looked at him. The smell of her skin told him of her nearness before she touched his chin, then his lips. Envy went still, not quite so used to such an intimate touch, nor the chill that swept along him afterward. And then the kiss. Tender, cautious, like a small bite of a meal you're not sure will be delicious. But he found it to be very much so. "Is that it?" He asked, then blinked. "No! I mean," Envy put his fingers to his brow. "Sorry. Its only ... catching Zeke and Ruli with their women, looking as though they're trying to devour one another's tongues, I find this was far nicer than I was expecting." The elf explained. "I liked it. Yes. I would love to experience more. Just, please don't try to bite off my tongue."