[right][color=tomato]Kefira O'Connor[/color] [color=gray]PDC HQ[/color][/right] [color=silver] Their entire reality seemed to fade away when Adam addressed Peter. Kefira didn’t even have time to form an opinion before she found herself lying on a table she had no memory of. As soon as she fully regained consciousness, Kefira sat upright. Peter droned out his explanation, but the officer didn’t react. He hadn’t said five words before she started pulling the pads off of her wrists and her head. Once she was one, she swung her legs over the edge of the table and stood up. Kefira was comparatively small to Adam, who could have been the very apex of the human race. But compared to Peter, it was clear that the female officer was not a small person. She was no goliath, but she stood slightly taller than Peter, and her shoulders were bigger around as well. [color=tomato]”Adam, once you’re done here, meet me in the briefing room.”[/color] She didn’t look at anyone as she walked towards the exit. [color=tomato]”Preferably after you get dressed.”[/color] [hr] But the briefing room was not Kefira’s next stop. She was bothered by what just transpired, and decided to lock herself in a bathroom stall. It wasn’t like her to get this annoyed. It wasn’t that she was working with an AIDA. She didn’t like androids much, but she wasn’t going to go against Lorelei’s wishes. Come to think of it, it did seem kind of strange that Lorelei would request her to be put under. The entire reason she had been selected for this task was that she was dependable. It seemed odd to she would hide something like that even if she had some bad history with AIDA units. It wasn’t like she had a reputation as a lose cannon. There wasn’t any harm in letting her know that her first meeting with Adam was going to be in some sort of virtual dream world. Kefira didn’t see the advantage in her choice. Though come to think of it, Lorelei did seem to be hiding something. Just because Kefira was trustworthy didn’t mean the rest of the team was. This could all be to mask how much faith Lorelei put in Kefira. That explanation put the chief of police in a much nicer light. But come to think of it, she didn’t know for a fact that Lorelei gave the order. Peter might have made that up. But there wasn’t much reason to do that. One visit to Lorelei’s office and she’d be able to confirm what was actually going on. Well this wasn’t good. She hadn’t even started the investigation and she was already questioning the people who were suppose to be helping her. She’d have to talk to the chief later. Regardless, there was no point in moping in here any longer. She had better get to the briefing room before Adam got there. It would be kind of weird if he beat her there, given that it was her idea to meet there and everything. [/color]