[i]Head back to the village while one of the boy's are likely injuried? Yeah right.[/i] Then Gwendolyn raced after Arn, following the trail along with him. Her knife tightly gripped in her hand. Such a beautiful day too...Couldn't focus on that right now. She frowned at the arrow, examining it closer to see if she recognized the fletching. The hunters all had their own way of doing it, with their preferred feathers to use. No way it could be one of Lutter's though. Not unless someone 'borrowed' them. After checking that out, she went towards the rent behind Arn and looked down towards the strange body below. Her brow furrowed. This, was clearly no ordinary wolf. She'd seen plenty of those before, though either as pelts or safe behind the village walls. If anything, this could only be the monster that'd attacked Lutter. But now on the verge of death itself?