[hider=Erik "Wahrheit" Schäfer] [center] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/e0/25/25/e02525f5c0c2b3d24f3a3785c8436409.jpg [/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/201222/a71d712c40b5595011b2027f1c7b77d3.png [/img] [u][h2][color=Yellow]B A S I C S[/color][/h2] [/u] [/center] [u][b][color=Yellow]N A M E [/color][/b][/u] Erik Schäfer [u][b][color=Yellow]A L I A S [/color][/b][/u] [list] [*] Ghost [*] Wraith [/list] [u][b][color=Yellow]C O D E N A M E [/color][/b][/u] Wahrheit [u][b][color=Yellow]A G E (G R A D E) [/color][/b][/u] Senior (17) [u][b][color=Yellow]P L A C E O F B I R T H [/color][/b][/u] Munich Germany [u][b][color=Yellow]G E N D E R [/color][/b][/u] Male (he/him) [center][u][h2][color=Yellow]A P P E A R A N C E[/color][/h2][/u][/center] [u][b][color=Yellow]P H Y S I C A L D E S C R I P T I O N [/color][/b][/u] Erik is rather unimpressive when only using physical appearances to judge him. He's around average height, boarding on tall depending on who is asked and has neither a muscular build nor a tiny frame just somewhere in the middle. He keeps his hair at a respectable length allowing it to ever so slightly creep past his ears. In recent years he has started to let his facial hair grow out just enough to barely cover his face. His eyes are a light brown that seem as though they hold a kind of softness and caring that is drastic from his chosen specialty in the field. [u][b][color=Yellow]H E I G H T [/color][/b][/u] 5’11” [u][b][color=Yellow]W E I G H T [/color][/b][/u] 175 lbs. [u][b][color=Yellow]E T H N I C I T Y [/color][/b][/u] German [center][u][h2][color=Yellow]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/color][/h2][/u][/center] [u][b][color=Yellow]P E R S O N A L D E S C R I P T I O N [/color][/b][/u] Erik has a bit of a dual personality which the Prom program has been unable to identify the reason for. On a normal day, Erik while definitely not outgoing by any means is a light-hearted kid who can find the joys of most things. He can be described as somewhat goofy if anything when around those he trusts. Outside of close friends, however, Erik is more reserved. While still, an easy-going individual Erik will prefer to keep to himself rather than draw attention to himself. Erik can easily be identified as the intelligent quiet type that is more than happy to stay to himself is needed and does not need attention like many of his peers. This changes drastically however whenever a mission is in place or Erik is introduced to a high-stress environment. When this occurs a switch of sorts is flipped within him completely changing him. Erik leans more into the cold calculating portion of his nature quickly becoming a perfect agent as it were. During these times Erik appears to drop all reservations that would stop most individuals from carrying out certain tasks for the sake of a mission. This could also be seen as Eric becoming a devout believer in the ends justifying the means. [u][b][color=yellow]L I K E S [/color][/b][/u][list] [*]Chess [*]Reading [*]Shooting [*]Observing things [*]Music [/list] [u][b][color=yellow]D I S L I K E S [/color][/b][/u][list] [*] Being deceived (though it happens rarely) [*] Being disturbed [*] Bugs [*] [/list] [u][b][color=Yellow]G O A L S [/color][/b][/u][list] [*] [/list] [u][b][color=Yellow]F E A R S [/color][/b][/u][list] [*]Heights [/list] [u][b][color=Yellow]S E X U A L P R E F E R E N C E [/color][/b][/u] Straight [center][u][h2][color=Yellow]H I S T O R Y[/color][/h2][/u][/center] [u][b][color=Yellow]B R I E F B I O [/color][/b][/u] Erik was born in the large city of Munich located close to the southern border of Germany. His mother Annabeth was a member of the GSG9 and served as one of its snipers for most of her early days. His father however is a mystery to Erik. According to his mother his father left before he was born leaving her with the sole responsibility of caring for him while maintaining her stressful career. Through his early childhood, Erik did show some signs that would alarm some parents. Mostly in the fact that unlike most of his peers his age Erik took quite a while to under his first words and preferred to keep to himself rather than play with the other children. While some parents would be concerned with this development from their child Annabeth was far too busy to give full care to Erik, coupled with the fact that he appeared to be fully together mentally made it seemed as though he was just shy. Indeed even his teachers as a child said he was leagues ahead of the other students at least when it came to reading and math. By the age of 7, Erik was largely able to care for himself while being left alone himself when his mother had missions to do. Most kids would have freaked at even the idea of benign alone for even a few minutes but Erik seemed unfazed by it. In fact, Erik seemed to do just fine with being alone, simply reading or playing chess, a game he had discovered in one of his many times alone in the house. He had found a great affinity with the game and became fascinated by it. Every piece had a purpose, there was no luck, each player was on equal footing, and every move counted. By the time Erik had turned 9, he had completely eclipsed just about everything his school had to offer and was quickly moved to a private school deeper in the heart of Munich. Here Erik was challenged greatly but he proved to be more up to the task. This kind of environment proved to be great for an individual such as Erik. The school was rigorous and was focused on breeding only the greatest minds for the future of Germany. This however was when Erik showed even further signs of being distant from others in his fellow peers. He spent more time locked in his room reading or studying than he did outside of it. Here Erik found a love for specifically History and psychology, with a sprinkling of philosophy much to his teachers' joy. Even with this newfound love of academics, beyond his own natural intelligence, and great marks from his teachers there was still something off about the young boy. Something that came out whenever he competed in something. Whether it be Chess or Football, Erik seemed to have a competitive side like no other. But that still wasn't the best way to describe it. A small glimpse at the kind of agent he would become Erik showed an almost joy in winning, but not just in winning but in completely destroying his opponents. As far as Erik was concerned if his opponents had not wanted to be beaten so badly they should have worked as hard as he had in preparation. By the time Erik had turned 13, he began to notice something very strange occurring around him. Regardless of whether it was a large tournament or simply walking home to school, Erik began to notice a difference in the crowd around him. This all culminated the day Erik had been named the youngest chess Champion his school had produced since its beginning. To most Erik seemed his usual self however a trained eye could see that he was keeping his eyes on a particular person in the crowd. A person he had seen a great deal of in the past few years. Whoever this mystery man was he had been following Erik for some unknown reason. Just as the game finished Erik moved his eyes for a split second to acknowledge his opponent but when they returned the man was already gone. The very next day his mother had been offered an unusually high paying job working as a consultant for a local police unit in the United States. [center][u][h2][color=Yellow]S K I L L S E T[/color][/h2][/u][/center] [u][b][color=Yellow]T A L E N T S [/color][/b][/u][list] [*] Chess Prodigy- Ever since he was a child Erik has loved Chess and strategy games in general. [*] Marksmen- Erik has become quite proficient with firearms over the course of his life showing a particular liking to Sniper Rifles and pistols [*]Observation- Erik appears to have an unnatural ability to notice even the slightest of differences when it comes to both people and objects. [*] Questioning- his specified role within Prom Erik has shown great ability in bringing out the truth in people. While this is usually done through Psychological warfare Erik is no stranger to more physical means of getting the info from people. [/list] [u][b][color=Yellow]G A D G E T S [/color][/b][/u][list] [*] DSR-1SD - German sniper rifle that has been modified with an extended barrel [*] 1911- custom pistol with a German eagle engraved on the handle [*] Fast-acting short duration truth serum that is kept in small canisters. [/list] [u][b][color=Yellow]Other [/color][/b][/u][list] [*] Speaks with a German accent even though is capable of fluent English [*] reads books on philosophy and history mostly [*] Keeps a journal hidden in his room [*] listens to music constantly [/list] [/hider] [hider=Grading] Strength: c- Erik by normal standards is rather strong but when compared to his fellow agents or those in his line of work he is woefully inadequate in terms of brute strength leading him to utilize his speed rather than anything. Intelligence: A. Close-Quarters Combat: B- While Erik Lacks the physical strength to give him a clear advantage in fights, he makes up for this with his use of speed and knowledge of the human body. This combined with his quick thinking in stressful situations makes him a dangerous adversary. Firearms: A+ While his close-quarters combat is nothing to write home about Erik has made up for this with his expertise in Firearms. Preferring to use long-distance rifles when it can be helped, Erik however has shown a liking to pistols when he moves with the team. Concealment and Disguise: B Erik's rather unimpressive physical build does come with the advantage of being able to appear as a simple member of the crowd. When not in a busy area Erik’s close attention to detail also comes with a great ability to use camouflage Strategic Thinking/Leadership: B+ While not the most vocal person Erik is a great strategist. While his leadership skills suffer as a result of his usual quietness he makes up for this with his ability to plan ahead. Mental Agility/Intuition: B+ Erik has shown quite the ability to remain calm when under pressure. While he prefers there to be a well made plan he also understands no plan works without being changed as soon as the game starts. Hacking/Computer Operation: D For all his ability and intellect Erik has little to no ability when it comes to hacking or computers outside the basics of field necessities. Observation/Interrogation: A+ The reason Erik was recruited to the Prom program to begin with. Ever since a young age, Erik has shown an aptitude for observing people and objects and picking up on the slightest differences or things that are out of place. This combined with his knowledge of psychology and human anatomy has led him to be a dangerous enemy in an interrogation scenario. Linguistics: B+ Being born in Germany and moving to America has given Erik the chance to be fluent in both German and English from a young age. However, Erik has also shown an affinity for speaking Russian. While it is not quite up to native speaking standards to the trained ear it certainly can pass. Erik has also begun the process of learning other languages he says would help with Questioning. Teamwork/Cooperation: B+ Erik is great at working in teams and rarely butts heads with the designated team lead on missions. However, it is recommended to not give him orders when interrogating a high-value target. [/hider]