[hr][color=f7941d][h2][center]This a Special Global News Report on Mutants [/center][/h2][/color][hr] [Center] Hello I’m Michael Davrom for Global News. With most of Europe and the rest of the world taking action and vying to proceed with a Mutant Registration Initiative, eyes are turning to the United States. The United States has yet to officially propose a Mutant Registration Bill, although some are already calling for just that. Also in related news the Olympic Committee has recently decided to test for the X gene in order to ensure “fair play” in Events, and this has this reporter thinking. “Fair Play” those two little words with so much meaning. So I went about talking with Major Corporations as well as several Senators with mixed reactions. No one wanted to go on record with any official statement, implying that this too volatile a situation for direct comment. Though the sentiment was very similar across the board. With many Corporate Leaders saying something along the lines of; “Of course I would hire Mutants some of them would greatly improve production. Besides I wouldn’t want to be in competition with them.” It has already become apparent that the working class is afraid for their jobs citing that “I do the job fine without powers, but I can’t compete with Mutants and their powers.” This is not like we are just talking about really good athletes. Some of these mutants have quite extraordinary abilities. I am not denying that. Is it fair? I don’t know. This is a situation where if there are to be sides you must first pick one or the other before justifying it. I am pretty sure most people will tell you that they personally have the right to employment, but does this extend to mutants? These aren’t foreigners coming after your jobs. Mutants are in some cases your childhood friends, your neighbors, wives or husbands. Some can be dangerous but it doesn’t take powers to be dangerous. I mentioned earlier in this broadcast that I had approached Senators. They seemed split or afraid to even approach the subject at this point but most agreed with the rest of the world looking at us it is only a matter of time before the American people call out for some form of official stance.[/center]