[hider=020706] [b]Name:[/b] 020706, Awauri [b]Appearance:[/b] Awauri’s face shape is an oval, with round eyes and a slightly upturned nose, with a heavy bottom lip. Both of her eyes are a glowing yellow, the color seemingly transforming into gold in the night. Her ears are pointed, due to unknown reasons. Her hair is blond in color. At the top, it's black, strands of lighter colored hair mixed with it. Her hair's texture is fluffy and smooth in appearance, but it'll tangle up very easily. She keeps her hair long enough to pass her shoulders. [hider=The hair, if you needed a clearer visual] [img]https://content.latest-hairstyles.com/wp-content/uploads/long-layered-blonde-balayage-hair-500x619.jpg[/img] [/hider] She prefers wearing a black, sleeveless shirt with a white sleeved shirt under it. Her pants are white and her shoes are a more blue-ish black than her top shirt. [b]Personality:[/b] Mari has the perfect, laid back attitude, being passive in most situations. Mari won't tolerate listening to orders and commands unless she feels it’s necessary. She especially likes to challenge people, even if she knows she doesn't stand a chance to them. If you give her something to do, there's a large chance she won't do it, as opposed to her attitude. She has a sort of glance that denotes when you’ve really annoyed her. She can stay extremely calm in life-threatening situations, not even flinching at gunpoint. She even will go to great lengths to catch a fleeing enemy, even in very vulnerable and extreme situations. Abilities: Bone Manipulation: 25 pts, Enhanced Regeneration: 5 pts [b]Doctor:[/b] Dr. Turner and Dr. Grey [/hider]