Narda walked him back to his room, where they had tea and continued their idle chat. She had considered for a moment asking him if he would like her to spend the night with him in his bed, but given that he had only just experienced his first kiss, she refrained. It was enjoyable enough to have his company like this. Once they’d gone through all the drink, she excused herself and bid him goodnight, warm from the tea and from the time spent with him. Before going to bed, she gave instructions not to wake her guest early in the morning. As usual, she rose early and made her way down to the great hall to look for Daryll. As it turned out, he too had been up early. “[i]Did you sleep at all[/i]?” the giantess asked. “I did,” the scholar said. He had several scrolls tucked under his arm. “I’d like to go looking for the Glenn house today.” “We can arrange that. Did you already have a location in mind? You know we lost track of them at some point.” “Yeah, ‘cos they ‘married low’ at some point, then went bankrupt, right?” Daryll confirmed. Narda nodded. Daryll went to a nearby table and unfurled one of the scrolls. “They might have moved from the older estate to somewhere smaller, so roundabouts in these areas.” Narda frowned. “That’s almost outside of the borders of my province. And a rather unsavory part of town. I’ve already told my father to get that place in order but,” she finished with a scoff. “I’ll accompany you later, after we tell the Wyvernling and return my guest to his friends.” “Ah. Right.” Daryll rolled up the scroll. “Enjoyed his company, did you?” “Very much so,” Nard replied with a grin. -- Kire stirred when she felt the bed move. Half-asleep, she opened her eyes, then when she saw that Ruli wasn’t lying down beside her she woke up a bit more. He was sitting up, unmoving, looking out at something. “Ruli?” she said, pushing herself up to sit beside him. Was he dreaming? She touched his back gently. “Are you alright?”