The tides of battle are shifting, the surprise attack having gone far awry by this point. There’s a crash as Selma slams her masked target into the ground, a strangled cry of surprise and pain echoing through the darkness. The weight and power of the big girl comes down with punishing force, and her attacker crumples into a heap nearby. Crystal drives another back, and another sharp crack echoes as Rivka takes her next shot. It strikes center mass, the figure pursuing Crystal dropping to a knee as the shot hit true. Captain Wei’s arm reaches to balance upon Chie, putting weight against her as the panicked girl helps the officer to her feet once again. It takes just a moment for her to steady herself, and she reaches to take her weapon from the girl’s grip with one quick motion. “Stay close to me.” She instructs, taking several quick steps to help another of the soldiers to their feet. Her voice rises after, barking, “All of you, with me!” The woman begins to move, making a sharp gesture for both her soldiers and the four girls to follow. She heads for one of the long stairwells that leads up to the surface, two of the recently recovered soldiers acting as vanguard for the small party. The remaining two officers are soon stumbling to their feet, picking up the rear guard and discharging their own rifles, their shots echoing those Rivka’s already fired. All together the escort forms a rough square around the four girls, Wei and two in front, two behind, all beginning to move toward the stairwell. For a moment it seems escape is eminent. Easy, even. The masked figures are wounded, crumpled on the floor, shot and scattered. But there’s something wrong with them. Rivka realized it after her first shot, that these people are something more than just people. It’s confirmed when the first injured figure removes their hand from the shattered remains of their mask. There’s a face behind, but it’s not quite right. Black veins run through the skin, and one of the eyes is no longer white, but a pool of obsidian. The others are rising as well, dragging themselves to their feet despite their wounds. The one with the shattered half-mask, what looks to be a woman, raises her hand as the four girls and their escort begin their retreat. There’s a sudden grinding sound, followed by the ear-splitting tear and twist of steel. And then it is raining chunks of metal. One of the giant display screens set on the ceiling above comes crashing down to earth amidst the escapees, shattering with a cacophonous bang. More follow, displays and chunks of ceiling, turning the way ahead into an obstacle course of debris. One of the soldiers guarding the rear goes down as a piece of ceiling smashes into him, pinning him under part of it. “Move!” Wei demands, her pistol echoing again in the darkened subway station. It’s not as easy as that. The falling displays soon block the path, requiring a detour around. One that will give the remaining masked figures one last chance to grab their targets. They’ll have to be avoided one more time, along with the other obstacles, for each girl to get to the staircase.