[center]Y’ha N’thlei[/center] As the ship neared the surface, the view changed. Descending from the thunderous sky, a landscape of cataclysm became visible. The ground was littered with fractures, large wounds that thankfully stopped bleeding long ago. The air was heavy and a thin fog partially limiting visibility. A lake, once filled, now is bare. Standing fragments of buildings could be seen now and then, ruins of what once was a civilization. Dotting around the landscape were trees, long dead and void of leaves. The only thing that was alive, was thriving, was a peculiar viny plant which had a faint tangerine glow. Landing in a clearing, the occupants made one last check to their gear, especially their environmental protection suits. The atmosphere lacks a sufficient mix of gasses to be breathable and the peculiar flora has some negative effects if it has direct contact. The preparations finished, they five exited the craft to survey the surroundings. All around them were the recognizable ruins of Serekin architecture. From what remained, it seemed to correlate with those that surround the Vora’Hath. The Vaults built to survive what the Serekin could not, so that one day they may reclaim that which was lost. Inside these deep caverns were valuable treasure, but also great danger to the unprepared. Deep within was ancient tech that could fetch a hefty sum for plunderers, or perhaps cultural treasures of ages long past which hold value to only the Serekin. But these things were not left unprotected. Much could be said of the devious traps that could have been invented and refined over millenia, but the real threat were those things that lived where light dared not touch. Though the Serekin cared not for reaching the skies like the other races and preferred to make their homes deep within a planet, on Y’Ha N’Thlei there existed the things that claimed the deepest caverns, which the ancient Serekin learned to leave alone. It is those forsaken which are bound to no mortal authority that truly guard these vaults from those who have no right to what lies within. The task of these five? Simply to explore the Vora’Hath, as much as they can. To figure out what lies inside, and if possible, reclaim it. Given their inexperience and the short amount of time they have before the Forsaken are expected to impede progress, there is no expectations of reclamation. First though, Sren’th must do a favor for Sithax. This plant, this abhorrent thing, would seem like it would only exist in nightmares. Fitting, perhaps, considering the history of this planet. It’s thick vines blanketed most of the surface, making movement difficult, and varied from a finger in thickness to a tree trunk. In jagged, irregular lines was the faint glow, almost veiny in appearance and scattered about the vines. In certain locations, the vines morphed into something different. Emerging from the ground every so often was something that could perhaps best be described as a flowery canker. A mound of fleshy looking plant material jutted from the ground and had parts that bloated out and appeared to have a glowing liquid within. These mounds averaged a few feet tall, appeared to be the source of the vines, and was regularly dotted with buds and blooming flowers that occasionally sputtered out the liquid. Perhaps the worst thing about the plant was not it’s sharp thorny spikes nor the way the mounds seemed to breath, but the smell. The plant emitted one of the most horrid, putrid scents Sren’th ever smelled. A scent of decayed flesh, vsicera, and bile all in one. Sren’th felt an urge to avoid these… corrupt plants. To avert his gaze to anything but that. As if the plant’s nature was intertwined with the doom that came here long ago. It felt like the existence of this plant was an affront to the natural order of things and Sren’th would very much like to never so much as glimpse the thing again, but he was not in the position to fulfill such a desire. Sithax had acquired some damning documents that Sren’th would want to disappear and Sithax wanted samples of this plant. Sren’th had much incentive to do as asked. Motioning the rest of the group ahead, there is a reason why Sithax needed a patsy. It would take too long and be difficult for Sithax get approval for obtaining this thing through legal channels. More so if they knew what he was using them for. Most others were content to survive, but Sithax wanted to thrive. To do so, would require extreme and uncomfortable measures, to break taboos. What exactly Sithax planned to do, Sren’th could only guess. After a few minutes of effort, Sren’th was rewarded with a few decent cuttings. Being no horticulturist, it would be hard for him to make better samples, hopefully it would suit Sithax fine. Hopefully the others did not notice his delay. Hopefully the rest of the venture will go without a hitch, but that last one might be too much to ask. [hr] [center]Karbana Kinnis | House of Deliberation[/center] [hr] Deep in the caverns of Karbana, within the neutral House of Deliberation, three clan elders converse while waiting on a fourth in order to convene the meeting. Late, Tyoss finally slithered in, but she was never one for punctuality with these ‘boring' meetings. “Ah, so you finally deign to show up. What took you so long? Needed to bring a whelp one claws length away from death?” “You know me so well Trel’Niss…” Tyoss replied sarcastically. “…Probably already know that there were two who thought I was getting soft. That they could take my place. Well, I got ‘em to TWO claws lengths. Not going to let them die so easily. Besides, I have been antagonizing the lot of them for a while hoping someone would try to. Would be cruel to punish them harshly for alleviating my boredom.” “Always so eager for a fight, feels like a universal oversight you lived this long” Hathax said, chuckling. It is no secret that the military and the intelligence are often at each other’s ends. “Well, we have been discussing how to involve ourselves in this conflict those humans are having.” “From what Hathax has shown us, it seems likely we will be drawn into this conflict one way or another. Maybe the conflict will lead rival fleets to battle near Karbana. Maybe the violence will force refugees to try their hopes on this planet. Maybe someone will show up and demand our aid or technology. Most of us would prefer they stay ignorant of our existence, but that is becoming increasingly difficult to maintain. And I’d doubt they would fuck off whether we asked them nicely or not. So, I believe we should figure out how to involve ourselves on our own terms. Beholden to no one but ourselves.” “I’m sure it need not be said what I think.” “yes, yes. We know. You want to strike first, and hard so they know to leave us alone. And you know why we should not.” “I know, a lot of them would be looking for blood as revenge like I would. Though I care little for the opinions of this council besides my own, I am aware enough how bad that decision would be. Despite Hathax’s opinion, I do have some self-control. And I am willing to respect the opinions of you all… Even if I don’t get to kill anything.” ” There are a few options to consider that might let you in conflict, though with little bloodshed. I want some alive. To learn about them, dissect them, perform some experiments. I Would like to know how well my toxins work on the xenos.” “We have decided a raid on an isolated human planet would be our next step. We will need to maintain stealth and cover our tracks, and seek primarily to abduct xenos for research. To know them. From there we can decide our path forward. Secrecy is key here. We cannot afford them to know of us yet. Not this early. The human great clans are more distrusting of others than ours. We can use this to our advantage. Leave a trail of destruction, no witnesses, and they will likely lay blame to whatever other human clan they hate most.” “If it goes wrong however, we will face their ire. Considering we have no standing navy, if they find us here it will make movement difficult. And I dislike the idea of a defensive war. I propose we first look to broker pacts and treaties. The Humans are disparate, I think we can offer aid to one great clan against another. I am aware of a few that even share our preference for isolation, we need not necessarily sabotage our new friend if they seek the same end goal as us. There are also other non-human great clans making an appearance to the galactic scene who somehow escaped our previous observations. I have little information on them, but they too could be used to our advantage.” “While I agree that our action must be quick and untraceable, I dislike the idea of working with xenos. Human or not. Our matters are our own, I do not trust any xeno to stay out of them.” “I’d expect the one who spends most his life in the dreamlands to be a bit more optimistic. What’s wrong Trel’Niss? Worried the bad xenos going to slither in on your meditation?” Tyoss said mockingly. “As for for me, I’d think If we can get buddy buddy with them and do some joint operations I can intimidate them from acting against us.” “I’m more worried about the ruptures in the dreamlands. This chaos going on between the humans is making traversal dangerous, their nightmares beginning to take hold.” “I’m afraid you’ll have to deal with it for a while Trel’niss. The only way forward is to accelerate it some more. Too late to stop it now, when the conflict is so open. Sithax, how would you feel if my agents make some negotiations with the xenos?” “I care little for whether we make friends or not. I share the concern of Trel’Niss in the dreamlands. I use the energies in the dreamlands for most of my projects and any danger to the dreamlands endangers my experiments as well. Though if we establish ties with a human great clan and get a steady stream of humans out of it for my experiments, I would be satisfied with that. If they capture prisoners of war, I’m sure they would be willing to get rid of them, or perhaps they would be willing to send their own convicts.” “Then most of us agree. If there are no other matters I will return to my clan and disseminate the orders. Priority is on establishing diplomatic ties with a greater clan for aid in our upcoming operations. This will take some time so our next meeting will be delayed.” With few words left to say, the four left. Most were satisfied with the decision, but Trel’Niss was irritated. Though he dislikes the idea of mutual relations with xenos, he is bound by tradition. His claws are tied. For now, all he can do is express his discontent and bury his worries in his tasks. Perhaps he will be proven right in his hesitation. Or maybe he might be proven wrong. Only time will tell.