[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/gD9rVru.png[/img][/center] [color=AC5FFB]Time:[/color]Evening [color=AC5FFB]Location:[/color]River Kingdom [color=AC5FFB]Interaction:[/color][@Tae] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/1Z62x3Z.png[/img][/center] [Color=a0410d] "It seems you're in quite the predicament, little princess...or should I say little queen?"[/color] It was not long after the voice reached Risa's ears that she felt the weight on the casket shift. Her eyes fluttered open to see the winged woman using a sharp piece of her wing to cut through the vines. Risa hadn't expected anyone to come across her and figured her best bet would be to rest up so she could heal herself enough to get out. She felt herself being lifted soon enough as the girl asked where she should take her. There was the healing center, of course, but bringing her there where she would so easily be identified... She quietly spoke up, giving her instructions to take her back to the Pretty Flower bar, which wasn't too far off. [color=AC5FFB]"Thank you, sweet one. Is there any way I can repay you for your kindness?"[/color]Risa managed to ask.