Narda and Daryll looked up when Ruli announced his presence. Narda nodded, while Daryll briefly raised a hand in greeting. "I did, indeed. Still slim, but it's something." He explained again the parts in the map where he thought the Glenn house would be. "Are you here to fetch Envy?" Nard asked. When Ruli mentioned how the elf was in the morning, she chuckled. "He did say not to be disturbed, yes. And seeing how much he liked the mattress, I trust it would be difficult to pry him from it." At his teasing, Narda laughed. "The Wyvernling doesn't often have a pleasant attitude when roused, either. That doesn't stop me from waking her. Still, Envy is a guest, and I'd rather he enjoy the bed for a while. And I don't want to get on his bad side just yet." "Did you, er, keep him up late?" Daryll asked, then looked immediately like he regretted prying. "Not in the way you must be thinking," Narda said, smirking. "But come now. Breakfast first." "Has my cousin fed you, or are we all eating together at the inn?" Daryll asked.