Vequaniel wasn’t worried about their father’s reaction. Berlin always congratulated the smallest of victories. They did expect the mocking first though, they always went in blind when doing robberies but this required more precise planning. Arguably it was going to take a lot of time to gain the right amount of trust. This was the ultimate long con. The twenty three year old did most of the talking for they were taking the most dangerous role in all of this. One bad move and both of them could be executed. It was high stakes, just the sort of adrenaline rush they needed. Seeing their father tear up caused many emotions to swell in their chest, they cleared their throat and smiled “Thank you Father” they bowed their head slightly as they spoke. Vequaniel had never called Berlin by name, they would always call him Sir and Father. Rohaan on the other hand had many names that Vequaniel would call him. They never knew if Rohaan liked the nicknames and probably would never ask. As a telepath Vequaniel had a moral code. To never forcefully read Rohaan’s or Berlin’s mind. Anything goes when it comes to other people but they would never hurt their family with their powers. It was the honour among the family. It was like how Berlin had promised to not use his abilities on the pair unless strictly necessary. It was the least that they could do after being taken in after murdering their family. Would have been easier to have just turned them into the guards and get the reward. Vequaniel was forever grateful, always wanting to prove themselves worthy a way of earning their keep. Picking pockets and petty theft came easy to the younger of the two though it did take a while for them to be able to do so without the use of their power helping them along. The amount of times Rohaan had to help them get out of a bad situation were too many to count, even though Vequaniel tried to help their brother the damn man was too stubborn to take the house and would often just end up fighting his way out. The amount of times they had told him that it was far easier to just erase the memories of the robbery gone wrong. It was a house of memories that Vequaniel protected. Rohaan was everything to them the only brother who had never continually hurt them. The idea of getting betrothed and then getting married for a heist was slightly less daunting than what they had initially thought but as they started to do the work to build a reputation and a look and a name for themself it became exciting. If this went perfectly Rohaan and them would be immortal even after death still talked about. The persona that had been crafted was perfect. Princess Andromeda Temperance of Galelallan the youngest daughter of King Regulus. It was a long shot going with a princess but people believed it as they started to build a reputation for her. Vequaniel had found a tailor willing to make dresses for them without pay (with some persuasion using telepathy). That was why everything was working so well Vequaniel had a key to unlock the door of people’s minds. The rumours of word of mouth spread like wildfire and the letters that were exchanged between her and the prince had them at a vantage point of having a reason to go to the palace. Vequaniel would have preferred to just use telepathy but after an entire day of having to project lavish clothing onto themselves and change the appearance of Rohaan they fainted whilst training with Berlin and almost had some major injuries. Vequaniel still insisted on changing Rohaan’s eye colour to not be identified as a shifter. When Rohaan was bedridden Vequaniel didn’t leave his side for more than a few minutes to get them both food. Though they did find it funny that the horse hated him and it was a funny prospect to have their six foot brother was down for the count from one cut. It was the first time in a long time that Vequaniel looked like an upper class person. It also wasn’t common knowledge of the family. Feigning memory loss was easy; they would rather not talk or think about it. Vequaniel also was always using their telepathic projections to hide scars and anything that would worry Berlin or Rohaan. Hiding headaches was normal for them. Today was the day. A years work had all been leading up to this moment. Vequaniel woke up earlier than they ever had to get ready. First they did a small training session by themselves just as a means of releasing all the nervous energy they had. Then they started to get changed into one of the lavish dresses they had been made. It was a baby pink colour with an offwhite front panel with rose details across the bodice. It was floor length and made of light fabric. The sleeves were three quarter length and had a small amount of tulle as the cuffs. To be able to wear the dress a corset had to be first put on. That was what Vanquiel had looked forward to the least. They breathed in and started to work on putting it on, they had never done it before so there was much they needed to learn. Eventually as the others in their family stirred they were able to do up the corset and put on their dress. The shoes were of the same colour of the dress they were small pumps with the same rose detailing. Looking in the mirror they were reminded of a time long gone. After pacing the room for what seemed like an hour they finally sat down on a stool and brushed their hair and started to style it, taking the bead from out of their braid and using it as a decorative piece at the back of their head. Minimal makeup was applied but enough to look like royalty. Goodbyes were hard for Vanquiel, they spent a few minutes hugging their father before walking over to the carriage. Then to realise they had forgotten the most important part of the outfit. They ran into the house again to emerge a few seconds later wearing a tiara, once again strutting over to their brother who was using his knife as a toothpick “You know you could lose a tooth doing that” they chuckled. Sometimes the habits that Rohaan exhibited were quite disgusting to them. Actually most of the time. It was obvious that Rohaan wasn’t the most refined of people but that didn’t mean that they didn’t love their brother. Vanquiel looked over to the horse smiling , moving their index and middle fingers to their temple. Within a few seconds the horse was completely calm. “It’s a good thing I’m the one being a royal here” and with that the five foot two telepath moved closer to the carriage looking over their shoulder towards Rohaan it took them a few moments to reply but they decided to go with “Quite” using a pretentious accent that only a true royal could have.