Daryll snorted. “If Ysaryn devours a villager, Kire will swallow up the livestock. Best get back quick if we want a share.” At the question of needing to go anywhere after, Daryll nodded. “There are enough heads working together at the camp. As interested as I am in helping, this other mystery has waited long enough.” “Not without me,” Narda stressed, before Ruli went off to wake Envy. “I know you’re used to going off on your little ‘research trips’,” she said, frowning down at Daryll. “But if any important business is to happen within my family’s province, I would at least want to be involved. Especially if a Wyvern is doing the sniffing around.” “There you are,” Kire greeted, seeing them return. “Food’s almost ready. How was Narda’s?” “Did you fit in there?—oww, in the bed! Woman!” Gavin yelped when Kire kicked his shin. “If you want breakfast, you behave,” the empress said. Myka snorted, muttering in Taakalon about how they were going to badger Narda about it later in private, anyway. “The camp is relatively quiet, save for a request regarding arrangements for worship at camp.” As per Kire’s request, the inn served up a big breakfast and lots of coffee. Kire noticed Daryll was eager to go, judging from the way he shoveled food into his mouth. “I’m going with Daryll on his excursion,” Narda said as she ate. “But I hope to see you later in the afternoon still?” she asked Envy. Kire and Myka glanced at each other, both of them rather amused at Narda being smitten. Kire turned to Daryll, pointing a fork at him. “Be careful, alright? And at first sign of any weird magical trouble, you get the fuck out of there and come back.” “With Narda babysitting, I’m sure we’ll be fine,” Daryll commented, to which Narda huffed. “Best believe I will sling you over my shoulder if you disobey.”