[table][row][cell][color=orange]Shiori Spiga[/color][/cell][cell][color=orange]"Once you’re devoured, it doesn’t matter who you were before."[/color][/cell][/row][row][cell][sup][color=#2E2C2C]_______________________________________________[/color][/sup] [img]https://i.imgur.com/vV2Md1v.jpg[/img][/cell] [cell] The Hyuuga likened it to Jin Kani, but Burai was no more like the Ridiculous Crab than Shiori was herself, she thought after they’d finished answering their jounin. The difference was that while Shiori was fully aware that helping the village become it’s best meant putting a Spiga in the Hokage’s chair and devouring everyone in their way, Burai seemed to have deluded himself into thinking what he wanted was to be some sort of selfless inspirational hero. But Shiori had been watching closely, and its actions pointed to its true desires. Burai wanted power, and that Kasei chip on its shoulder carried with it a desire for vengeance on everyone who had callously disregarded them, especially the lauded clan of the Hokage. Jin Kani would never have insulted Yumei Hyuuga to its face, or played at frightening the Hyuuga in their own home. It didn’t have the intellect. No, Burai was smarter than that. It wanted the Hyuuga, the village, and the world to recognize it’s power. If it ever got out of it’s own way and embraced it’s true desires, it may have a good chance at becoming the male Shiori would kill to prove her loyalty to the Hyuuga once and for all. But for now it was just a boy, ignorant to it’s desires and living a childish dream. Boys rarely knew what they wanted anyway. Shiori lifted her goofy set of carciatured buckets quickly and quietly without acknowledging her teammates whatsoever. She kept her eyes forward while they walked, and in her position at the front of the line, gave the boys a perfect view to stare at her as much as they liked while they trudged along to the training grounds. She supposed Burai would have no interest whatsoever in following a pretty girl’s backside, but there was no sense giving up the advantage now just because it wasn’t perfect. In time they’d be falling over themselves to do favors for her. For now she put on a mask of stoicness, not unlike the one she believed Burai wore everyday. She rounded a corner, and suddenly caught movement out of the corner of her eye. “Look out!” shouted a child’s voice, and a volley of wooden shuriken came flying out right at them. She lunged out of the way as gracefully as she could muster, but the momentum swung her bucket a bit too far - water rose up out of it, and then suddenly stopped in midair. Kenshiro had caught it, and deftly channelled it back into her bucket. It was an impressive use of chakra, and it let them get to the training ground without delay. Once they’d placed down their buckets, Shiori warmly approached the teammate that helped her. [color=orange][b]“Thank you so much, Kenshiro. It seems it is the best at handling water. I always appreciate power.”[/b][/color] She said with a smile. [/cell][/row][/table]