"Envyyyy." Ruli sang as he strolled into the room offered to the large elf. A deep growl answered him. With the curtains drawn, it was quite dark in the chamber, but he was still buried beneath the blankets to shield himself from any rebellious rays that found their way in. "Come on, sleepy head. You woman awaits. And there will be food." Envy's responsive growl was somewhat less threatening, but still very reluctant. "You know whats going to happen, don't you?" Ruli wondered, pulling the blankets back to reveal the elf. The Kartaian's sharp teeth were bared as he curled on his side, shying away from the cool air. "We're going to question Narda about all the juicy and moist details of last night. Without you there to tell us to shut up." He saw the pink-hued colour of Envy's eyes as the elf leered sleepily. Ruli bent down, propping himself on his knees. "All of us, Envy. Me. Gavin. Kire. Myka." The elf groggily shook his head, slowly rousing. He mumbled something Ruli couldn't understand, as the elf had his face pressed to the mattress. "That-a-boy." Ruli straightened, earning another growl. Ruli arrived in the inn with the others, grinning impishly. Envy stood behind him, his eyes barely open, his mouth set in a way that clearly said he was holding back a serious of inappropriate words in every language he knew. Gently, Ruli helped to guide him to a seat before taking his own. "Oh, he was real deep in there. In the bed." Ruli answered mockingly, grinning at Gavin as Envy snarled softly. "Worship?" Ruli asked, glancing along at Kire. "As in, of Solaralai?" He wrinkled his nose. "They don't even know her. Why bother?" He looked toward Envy, but the Kartaian was still struggling to wake. So he switched his attention to Ysaryn, who was inhaling coffee despite her cheeks being full of the sausage that had been on her plate seconds before. "Do you need help there?" Ysaryn asked, looking to Daryll. "Having someone of magic incline ... in ... ability may be of use." She said, tucking some of her loose hair behind her pointed ear.