[hider=Stats] Shion: Untransformed: 4 | 4 | 5 | 14 | 7 Transformed: 6 | 5 | 9 | 16 | 9 Spec, Power: Oddball - Magnetism | Duplication Perks: Enhanced Weapon | Martial Training | Money | Environmental Sealing | Fated Benefits: Black Coin(?) | Non-Exclusivity(?) | Chatty | Concerned | Mana Font Drawbacks: Debt(?) | Betrayal(?) | Isolated | Distracted [/hider] [color=00aeef]"Holy shit!"[/color] Shion exclaimed as a monstrous tiger came barreling towards her. She took a step back before the creature stopped, seeming to try to lead her forwards. Why would a tiger know what she was there for? Did Vermin Killer use cats? ... Of course he would use cats. They're nature's vermin killers after all. She shrugged and went inside to the courtyard. Then it roared. This was going to be a whole [i]thing[/i], wasn't it? [@BrokenPromise][@AtomicNut][@Shifter_Master][@twave]