[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/772232484880515082/791243855973974036/RicoJacksonHead.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/201223/d2e83d1f680cb630bacc5f4206fc348c.png[/img] [hr] [b]Featuring: Jackson ([@KatKook]) & Rico[/b] [hr] [color=FF8B00]“Hasta pronto preciosa”[/color] Rico watched Giselle fly off like a sexy pixie, biting his lip as his dark eyes watched her hips sway in a certain kind of way. He had to snap from his days sometime and the sound of a honking horn did just that; shit he was still in the damn road! Grabbing his guitar case, he swung it back over his shoulder and kicked his skateboard into his underarm before getting out of the way. Interesting start to the new school year for sure. Stopping in his tracks, Enrique suddenly realised he had no idea who his Liberty was! Slipping his phone out of his pocket, he scanned the email for a name; Jackson Park. One quick trip to Instagram later and Suave had a face for the name. Kid was a looker in a K-Pop, skin like marble, probable heart of ice kind of way. It took but a second for Rico to catch sight of Jackson heading towards the school; the guy was what about 6’2? Definitely stood out in the crowd. With his heart pumping warm blood throughout his body thanks to Gigi, the Latin lover made a beeline for his new charge. As if gliding on ice, Enrique found himself standing in front of the Ice King of K-Pop with an extended hand. [color=FF8B00]“Oye, Jackson Park? I’m your guide, brother man. Rico Nunez”[/color] Jackson brushed his hair back his head turned left and right taking in what Rosefell really was, he just could not get it in his system that this was Rosefell and he was not a fan one bit. Rico better make his day worth the- a hand then appeared in front of him followed by a thick accent, Jackson took a step back in both surprise and disgust, he scanned the man up and down before he concluded before the man even spoke that this is Rico Nunez, no man on earth would fit description and gossip from what he has heard around the school. "[color=#EC9054]Aigoo...[/color]" he let out, "[color=#EC9054]You’re my guide?[/color]" He asked, already being the condescending prick he is. "[color=#EC9054]Weren’t you the guy that almost got run over moments ago?[/color]" He asked. He was ready to berate this guy but then he remembered that he is in a good mood and there should not be a reason that he should ruin it, he’ll live it. Who knows? Maybe Rico might be so bad- Ah… Juno really messed up his thought process. [color=FF8B00]”I was!”[/color] Rico responded in his usual nonchalant fashion [color=FF8B00]”And it just helped me meet one fine, fiiine young lady. There’s always a positive my friend”[/color] the lothario put his arm around the taller boy and smiled [color=FF8B00]”Now I’m not gonna lie hermano; I was a bit naughty and I didn’t stalk any of your socials so I no nothing about you...BUT that’s the joy of a first meeting am I right? So, let’s start this off right. Onwards young soldier!”[/color] With a spring in his step, Rico essentially began to drag Jackson around the terrible looking Rosefell campus. There was nothing that anyone could say right now to harsh Enrique’s vibe at that moment….except maybe Ellie. He was back at school with the friends that he missed greatly, he had just met something divine and now he had a new friend in Jackson Park...he needed a nickname, this would be today’s challenge. [color=FF8B00]”Don’t let the look of this place fool you, JP, it may look like my Abuela’s bodega but it has heart”[/color] "[color=#EC9054]Stalking… My… Socials...[/color]" Jackson took a deep breath and calmed himself down, "[color=#EC9054]That’s something you normally do but didn’t do it to me..?[/color]" Jackson closed his eyes trying his best to not get annoyed, "[color=#EC9054]Thanks...[/color]" He let out, clenching his fist to his side. The joy of a first meeting? Jackson was never good at that, but this first meeting with Rico is not what he expected, but then again his first meeting with Juno- Rico’s arm then wrapped around Jackson and he already started hating it. As he was dragged along for a little bit he just could not stand the man’s arm around him, he took Rico by the wrist and forced his arm off Jackson. Jackson’s internal thoughts flooded in his head, his mind filled with how much he hated this and how he hopes it could not get worse. The only thing that could be worse right now is if he started using a nickname- JP. Jackson gritted his teeth but the comment about Rico’s Abuela’s bodega made him chuckle a little, it was a little out of nowhere and he spoke so fast so there was no way he was not going to be able to hold that in. He immediately put on the ye’ ol’ cold Jackson vibe as soon as he let out the chuckle and carried on with Rico. "[color=#EC9054]This place has heart? If you mean bits of frog heart from biology then I believe you.[/color]" [color=FF8B00]”We can’t afford frog so they give us mouse hearts instead”[/color] As he often was, Rico was completely oblivious to the cold shoulder that Jackson was giving him. He didn’t even register the boy essentially yeeting his welcoming arm away from their embrace. As the dynamic duo found their way to the football field, the troubadour held his hands aloft in a stretch. [color=FF8B00]”So things to know here, the Knights are like this school's pride and joy. So if you’re into sports, I’m not, then this will be your future social hub. Also, if you need the good kush, this will also be your home as the best stuff can usually be found behind the storage hut just on the other side of the field”[/color] Motioning his charge to follow him, Rico led Jackson deeper into the bowels of hell and continued to point out other rooms of torture such as the underfunded music department, the IT room, the AV club and of course, the cafeteria and Old Lady Doris’ famed mystery meat which Enrique somewhat citrusy and zesty. [color=FF8B00]”The vieja may need a face lift but you can find beauty in any thing and for Rosefell, the beauty is in its student body”[/color] He smiled at some passing girls and with a light kick of his lips he returned his attention to Jackson. [color=FF8B00]”What about you Cool JP Smooth, you got a girl or boy in your life? Or are you all about free love?”[/color] When Rico said the school was not able to afford frogs and got mice instead, Jackson shrugged and knew he should have seen that one coming. Rico is charismatic in a way that Jackson never thought could be on a person, these were the type of people he absolutely despised but Rico? He’s a different case, he may not care too much but he does not despise him, he will tolerate him at most; Maybe acknowledge him. As he was taken through the school, they arrived at the field, it was grander than Jackson pictured it, it actually looked well maintained, too bad football or any non-skate related sport was his forte. "[color=#EC9054]Good kush? No.[/color]" He let out. After that Jackson pressed on, maybe as soon as this tour was over he could catch up with Miki or Juno, hell even Emily or Christian, he just really did not want to be with a Rosefell kid all day. The tour then got to the cafeteria, he really wished he would not have to eat that mystery meat. The talk about Rosefell’s beauty coming from the ‘student’s body’ really made Jackson shake his head, especially since Rico followed that up by making some kissy faces to some girls. Another nickname then dropped along with a question and Jackson had to respond. "[color=#EC9054]Don’t call me that.[/color]" He looked up to think then back at Rico, before continuing, "[color=#EC9054]I’m not going to say much because I don’t know you, but I am going to say… Maybe. I don’t know yet, I kinda prefer her- them as a friend.[/color]" Was Jackson really just being honest? His brain needed a reset, he was not being himself. [color=FF8B00]”Say no more JP, mi hermano. I won’t ask, you don’t need to tell. Affairs of the heart belong to those they belong, nobody else”[/color] Rico didn’t respect a lot but he did respect the sanctity of love and truth. In his many dalliances and romances, he had always been honest, truthful and devoted, sometimes indeed to a great fault which would end up costing him. He had heard Jackson’s Freudian slip of the tongue but would not pursue that line of questioning, soon his new friend would reveal his heart and who sat there, when the time was right. Rico jumped onto a nearby wall and took a seat. He brushed his dark hair back before offering Jackson a charming smile that only he could offer. [color=FF8B00]”Listen, brother man; I won’t pretend to know you, cos I don’t and it’s up to you if I ever will but I’m just gonna throw some truth at you real quick. A lot of people were not a fan of this, how is it said, merger and I can tell you’re not that keen either. There’s only one way you’re gonna survive this thing, just accept it. There’s a hundred billion stars and we're but a speck of dust on one. Don’t let whatever you have against this place ruin your time here. Puede ser un infierno, pero también puede ser un hogar si lo dejas”[/color] Rico was making a lot of sense. Oh no, he’s growing on Jackson, what the hell? Is this what a good mood always did? Jackson crossed his arms and leaned back a little, scrunching up his nose then shaking his head to snap him out of whatever was going through his mind. He pressed his hand to his face after realising that he had just told this guy some of his troubles which was something he never did. He then could not help but listen, this guy definitely had some wisdom stored deep down, it was mesmerising. What he says is the type of shit his coaches say and emotional moments in k-dramas, Jackson swears this guy is somehow in and out of his head. He may not have understood the last part (except the word hell) but he should respond, he is seeing Rico in a better light now. "[color=#EC9054]Surviving has always been my thing, no matter if I’m just some shitty tiny star or if I’m the sun itself, I’ll be fine. I am the king and whatever throne there is, it’s mine. So accepting it is not really my thing. But ruling it is what you’re going to expect from me. 왕국은 왕의 것입니다, 리코후배. [/color]" He let out a devious smile and immediately glared at some people who were walking by which caused them to hurry along in fear. "[color=#EC9054]But you know what,[/color]" Jackson then let out a sigh, then moved his hand to place it on Rico’s shoulder, "[color=#EC9054]You’re not the worst guy here.[/color]" And that is Jackson’s way of saying he would be fine if Rico wanted to be buddy-buddy with him. That good mood from Juno really threw him off his game. This surely was an interesting thing; Rico didn’t really know what to expect from the Liberty kids other than money and lots of it. Then low and behold here was Jackson, quiet man by all means but an aura of authority and power. He carried himself with regality and grace yet spoke with a force behind every word. If he was honest with himself, El Mariachi had given little thought to the influx of new blood other than thinking about how many more beautiful people he would be around to take his mind away from his tremendous fuck up with Ellie before summer. JP certainly fit into the category of beautiful; not Enrique’s type but if kings were made from the bones of God’s Jackson certainly fit the mould. [color=FF8B00]”Hail to the king, baby”[/color] Jumping from his perch, Rico patted Jackson on the arm and smiled [color=FF8B00]”Thus concludes our tour. If you needed anything throughout the day, hit me up JP alright? Mi casa, su casa”[/color] With the final word, Suave dropped his skateboard into the floor, hopped on and began rolling down the hallway, away from Jackson and much to the chagrin of the teacher shaking his fist at that damn Rico. Fuck Rico. Jackson shook his head after seeing him ride away on his skateboard, Jackson raised his fist in front of him, and quietly cheered him on, "[color=#EC9054]화이팅...[/color]" What the hell is wrong with him today? He crossed his arms, put his back against the wall, and hit the back of his head a few times against the wall. He beat himself up for acting like this, was this really all from the domino effect what Juno did to him?[/center]