“You will if I…” they cut themself off knowing they were being harsh. The nervous energy rising in their system once again. It couldn’t be helped. They knew where they came from and hoped that this would be different. They had a confused look on their face seeing their brother in a dress “You look awfully comfortable brother, is this how you get money on the side?” they chuckled. Vequaniel had always been mesmerised by their brother’s ability to shapeshift it was an interesting ability. It made them wonder what part of their genetics had mutated to cause it. “Ah yes because you can’t go without killing for more than a few hours, you know you won’t be able to do that when we are among royalty they will have you executed for that sort of behaviour and I would follow because I advocated for you to stay” They usually enjoyed their brother’s dark humour and amusement in the hyper violent. Today was one of those days when they wished they weren’t putting their brother in harm's way. He could handle himself of course but Vequaniel had the right to worry, Rohaan was reckless it was only natural for them to worry. They raised their eyes to look at Rohaan as he made a noise of disgust. They scrunched their nose and poked out their tongue towards their older brother and shook their head, eyes closing as they did. Perhaps it would be enough for the older of them to not notice the obvious stress they were feeling. Vequaniel found themselves being sort of a robin hood type. Often stealing things that they didn’t need to give to those that needed it. Sometimes even giving what they did need because they knew they could steal more. It was almost them atoning for their crimes. It wasn’t like they were a flagellant, it was just doing what the criminal system failed to do to them. It was somewhat poetic justice knowing they actually fought with a whip. It could be argued that Vequaniel changed their appearance more often than the shifter. That’s how they were somehow not a prevalent criminal alike to their brother. They did spend some time with the beautiful blue eyes their brother possessed. They knew how Shifters were treated by most of society. It was unfair and tore at their upper class privileged heartstrings even when under Berlin’s wing. Human society was confusing to the telepath, unfortunately for them being a telepath wasn’t a new species it was a mutation of the human genome. Their mother wasn’t like them the same as their step-brother and step-father. They didn’t know their father, he died when they were young then their mother remarried one of their father’s friends. Their family in general wasn’t the kindest of people to the lower folk, they were rich they didn’t need to be. Higher society socialites were where they wanted to have ties so they made sure to follow the guidelines of how to act like them. The youngest of them climbed into the back of the carriage. They smoothed out their dress trying to seek comfort in the smooth material under their fingers. Their mind wandered to fantasising about meeting a prince and marrying him, a child-like dream that they had had many times. Not prophetic but it was the fault of the stories they were read by their mother. It was their dream from a young age but obviously they had grown out of it when they realised the real world wasn’t like that but somehow they were able to live that life to pull off a heist. Vequaniel couldn’t hear the conversation for they were too deep in thought staring at the walls of the carriage that had been painted to resemble a made up kingdom of Galelallan that Princess Andromeda Temperance was from. They were removed from their daze as the carriage started moving it shocked them with a small gasp. Their brother had a point, they sighed turning behind them to look at Rohaan “Rheohaan we cannot afford any suspicion, perhaps I should change your eyes then you can hide in plain sight” they suggested “This is very important brother” it brought a smile to their face hearing their brother’s laugh a brief moment without worry. The stakes were high for them everything had to be perfect. Like a princess. Perfect. Vanquiel knew they were always going to be in danger being that their whip was hidden under the dress as an extra level of corsetry. It wouldn’t be easy access to their weapon if they really needed it. Hopefully it wouldn’t come to needing it though.