[center] [hider=Image I really wanted to use but couldn't shrink so it's really big] [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/494317685505523714/791445324689965106/unknown.png[/img] [/hider] [h3][color=fff79a]Kasugano Sakura[/color][/h3] Level 3: 15/30 Location: The Blue Sea. Word Count: 936 Points Gained: 2 New EXP Balance--- Level 3: 17/30 [/center] Sakura's jump in was predicted, and she braced for impact. [color=fff79a][i]"Oof!"[/i][/color] Sakura inhaled sharply after grunting, involuntarily trying to get the air back in her system. Sakura landed on the water and took a few steps forward before realising the Water Princess was aiming right at her. Sakura braced herself for impact when Ranger came into the rescue. A drop kick! The shot went wide! Sakura's grin faded when Seaplane Tender smacked the brave shipgirl down under the water. Sakura's lips became a thin, grim line. She really didn't like this big pale monster. Taking the opportunity, Sakura leapt forward and gave the Water Princess a Sakura Otoshi, smacking her three times in the back of the head with her double fisted hammer fists. [color=fff79a][i]"Ichi, ni,-san!"[/i][/color] As she came down to land though, her torso was slammed into by the mighty metallic tail. Sakura cried out and then gasped as she stumbled backwards. Another yellow spark of ki prevented her from getting splattered, and she felt like she still had quite a ways to go when it came to health. But still, that hurt a lot. And things only got worse. Sakura was tossed off her feet by the myriad explosions, yelping in surprise. She felt the heat and the burn, and the concussive force suck the air out of her lungs. She scrambled to her feet, winded. The brown-haired teenager rose to her feet. She turned her head to the side and spat into the water and wiped her mouth. She had a split lip, and her ribs would probably be bruised. The alternative would be permanent damage, but her martial arts training was coming in handy. Even if she felt more fragile as a cat girl, she could still tank quite a few hits. Sakura glanced around. Everyone was gone, except for Ranger, herself, and...Geralt-san? He had come into the water to help! Fortunately she could probably just pick him up. [color=fff79a]"Okay! It's time to escape! Hey you, ship girl!"[/color] She pointed to Ranger, who Sakura had still not learned the name of. [color=fff79a]"Could you go pick up that white haired old guy and get him outta here? Maybe get onto that ship?"[/color] She pointed the swimming Geralt out, and then she gestured to the Atomos flying overhead. [color=fff79a]"I'll be right behind you!"[/color] She assured her with a smile. Sakura then floated forward, making herself the nearest target to the Seaplane Tender. Sakura glared at the incoming bombers. Then she jabbed a finger at the Seaplane Tender. [color=fff79a]"And you! I think your hat looks stupid!"[/color] At that point, Sakura activated the Haru Arashi V-trigger. Releasing the built up energy in her spirit into an upgrade form of herself. [color=fff79a][i]"You're in for it, now!"[/i][/color] She declared. She pumped a fist into the air. There was a few circling swirls of pinkish, petal-like energy, before they settled into dark blue glowing energy in her palms. The result was that her fireballs became more than twice as potent. They travelled faster and farther. They did twice as much damage, but many times more explosive force. Even Ryu would get knocked off his feet if he took one of them! Meaning that blocking them would be very annoying because they'd still knock their target back and around a bit. Her zoning pressure just went through the roof! And she unlocked the Hogosho, a defensive ability that allows her to channel her energy into a short ranged, long-lasting blast that was great for swatting enemy projectiles out of the air. [color=fff79a][i]"Hado! Hado! Hado! Hado!"[/i][/color] Sakura began firing off her fireballs at a rapid rate, evidence by the fact that she longer had time to complete the signature callout. The first were dedicated to dealing with the bombers. The large size of the projectiles and their increased durability meant they could knock several out of the air at a time. Even the weakest Hadokens ate bullets for breakfast, let alone these oversized toy planes! She changed up the timing on the fifth one. [color=fff79a][i]"HadoKEN!"[/i][/color] This one was three times as powerful as her normal fireball. If the Seaplane Tender got close, Sakura would use her EX Shouoken technique, a wicked fast series of uppercuts. The first one zoomed her quickly low over the ground making her nearly impossible to hit unless one predicted the move entirely. And all the while she was firing off cannons and torpedoes. They roared with each subconscious activation of the harness. Sharp cracks and the whistle of a cannon shell. For the next thirty seconds Sakura became a stationary turret of ranged, projectile destruction. All of it let loose in the Seaplane Tender's direction. The enemy would probably find the attacks much easier to avoid if she merely flew backward as far as she could, letting the Hadokens sputter out and lose speed, and reducing the accuracy of her cannon fire. Fortunately, that was exactly what Sakura wanted. Keep the Water Princess away, so that she and her friends could make their speedy retreat. If the Water Princess felt brave enough she could try to wade through the saturation fire, the fireballs only becoming more dangerous the closer she got to the street fighting ship girl. She hoped it would be enough. All she wanted right now was for her and her new friends to get to safety. If Geralt or Ranger or Junior or Kamek got hurt on her account she wouldn't know if she would be able to forgive herself. Sweat dripped down her forehead, and her face was one of intense concentration.