[table][row][cell][color=#C04848]Location: Meeting with the Kumo-Nin[/color][/cell][cell] [color=#C04848]Mizuraki Senju[/color][/cell][/row][row][cell][center] [color=#D53D0C][sup]_______________________________________________________________________________[/sup][/color][img]https://i.ibb.co/5nx4Zs0/Mizu.jpg[/img] [/center][/cell][cell]It would be a bold-faced lie to say that Mizuraki was surprised by Hideo ignoring her, in fact at this point she was certain that he was just trying to anger the leaf shinobi simply because he had the authority to do so. It was genuinely trying her patience but she could practically hear the scolding that Ichika would give her...And the following one that Seiji would give her...AND the following one that Katsuyu might likely give her, it was in her best interest to remain quiet. Botan seemed incredibly nervous and she could quite honestly understand why. This was a difficult scenario to be in, especially when she learned more about just who was involved and the set up the enemies had. It was a bad situation for them. Mizuraki didn’t say anything for the time being...Though when the Kumo ambassador claimed that fighting a legendary swordsman would be fun she couldn’t help but glare harshly at him. This wasn’t a game! People could die here and he thought this would be “Interesting” it took every fiber of her being not to chew him out right then and there. Despite the Jounin remaining quiet the scolding found its way to her anyway, causing Mizuraki to pout a little bit in embarrassment and avert her gaze from Ichika. She mumbled something that resembled an apology but didn’t repeat it. With that out of the way the serious and focused expression soon returned to the Senju woman’s face as she turned back to the group and brought her hand up to her own chin. “[color=#C04848]She’s not amphibious.[/color]” she said rather flatly. “[color=#C04848]But Katsuyu is tall enough that she would be able to ferry a large group of us across. Plus she’s able to fight at range and protect whoever she’s carrying. She won’t be comfortable with the salt in the water but she would be able to manage it.[/color]” it seemed like she was talking to herself, vocalizing her thought process more than speaking to everyone present. Mizuraki focused her eyes upon the ground now while they narrowed to a point. “[color=#C04848]Whoever goes with Katsuyu needs to be able to either fight at range or deflect any possible projectiles that Katsuyu might miss. They also better treat her well![/color]” she got a little impassioned at that last part. “[color=#C04848]If I were the enemy though. I would be expecting the main attack force to come from the tunnel...After all who is going to seriously sail up to them while they have such a distinct advantage. There’s no way the tunnel isn’t heavily guarded, I would stake my life on it.[/color]” Mizuraki finally raised her glance from the ground. “[color=#C04848]My clones could investigate and probe the tunnel for more information. Or we could lead a clone assault through the tunnels as the diversionary force and let Katsuyu and the rest of the group pick off whoever is left on watch.[/color]” Normally Mizu would be giggling like an academy graduate about the concept of chicken summons but not right now. The situation was far too important. [/cell][/row][/table][right][img]https://i.postimg.cc/8CM2y4vB/Senju-Symbol.png[/img][/right]