Once Tyrhallan received the full reports he realized what a mistake he had made. His negligence would be costly. He knew full well that someone would have to bear the blame and responsibility for it. Undoubtedly it would be him. He smiled in disbelief. No. If they were really vindictive they could even take their anger out on his men and he would not stand for that. He would not let those who served loyally be punished for doing what was asked of them. His Uncle had warned him it would come with the territory. Being a commander was nice when there were times of peace, but less attractive when war came to call. Finishing his ‘cleaning up’ and reading all the reports that had been gathered Tyrhallan stood up from the chair he had been resting in. He gazed at his reflection in the mirror for a moment. He supposed that he was ‘presentable enough’ to be facing the Knight Commander. With the blood now washed from his hair and body, he had regained some semblance of his old self. Why didn’t he feel like it though? As he moved out of his temporary bunk he walked down the busy corridors, men saluting him and making his way to the bridge even longer and more cumbersome than it initially was. They couldn’t know and Tyrhallan was not raised to be selfish. What little comfort or respect he could give them was but a small price to pay and in truth it reassured him that whatever would be laid at his feet in the coming moments, at least he had earned their respect. When he reached the bridge he halted a moment so that his coming would not surprise those at work. “With your permission I wish to enter.” He asked respectfully of the Captain. “Permission given Knight Captain Venray. Enter.” As Tyrhallan stepped inside his eyes glanced quickly across those present, before halting at someone unexpected. Someone he did not recognise. A woman, still looking rather exhausted. His eyes darted quickly back towards the Captain and the main consoles. “Captain, I should like to report to the Knight Commander. Can you set up a communication link with him? I believe you were handed his communication commands beforehand.” Captain eyes him rather worriedly. “Should we set up a private link for you in your bunk?” “I would rather have a secure line, but thank you.” Tyrhallan replied as he nodded in thanks. “Very well. Arteri, set up a link for the Knight Captain.” The Captain ordered before he barked. “The rest of you will mind your own business. Eyes on your own screen Foss.” He snarked knowing his underlings well enough. “Connecting sir.” Arteri the com officer warned Tyrhallan. Tyrhallan straightened his back as he clasped his arms behind him, spreading his feet to strengthen his stance, grounding himself. He would need it. As the image of the Knight Commander flashed up in front of him, the connection was made. The expression the commander had was in short one that could hew stone and the glare that he cast at Tyrhallan one that could cut Diamonds. “So the ‘Noble and Honourable’ Knight Captain finally decides to call.” The voice sweetly spoke, but sounded as menacing as that of a butcher who sharpened his knifes before gutting the pig. “I wish to offer you my report. Sir.” “You WISH to offer YOUR REPORT? What pray could that be about? Could it be about the bloody Army that is currently aiming its guns at us? The army your precious Vanguard was supposed to halt?! What the hell are you all doing up there!” “The scouts had mentioned the 3 large frigates and we managed successfully to destroy two whilst the other tucked tail and ran.” Tyrhallan remained calm as he had practiced before. “We failed to see their other force through the heavy storm that blanketed them. I am sending you the details as we have them.” “And where the hell were you then? You were placed in your position because of your supposed ‘expertise’ and knowledge, but if this is a taste of that then I want none of it, Venray!” The Knight Commander barked and yelled. The few brave enough to look up from their screens glanced with some pity at the Knight Captain and Arteri, who was uploading the numbers from the data pad Tyrhallan had given him. As soon as the numbers came through the snarl tempered somewhat, but was filled with disdain. “Sir, I spread my forces to counter the frigates and took a couple of men for a raiding mission, we entered one of the Frigates and turned it onto the other, resulting in the destruction of both of them. We also managed to rescue the refugees during this.” He stated matter-of-factly knowing that if he even attempted to talk back or reason, he would make things worse. “How good of you.” The sarcasm dripped off of the statement. “That’s something at least out of this ridiculous mess.” A silence followed as Tyrhallan allowed him to think and take a look at the numbers. “What do you want us to do Sir, should we join up with you?” And the snarl was back. “So you can competently screw up the rest of our defences? I think not! You and your Vanguard will report to the rear.” Tyrhallan’s eyes flashed worriedly as he heard it. “Sir, the men need not be punished…” “SILENCE! Are you disobeying my orders Venray?!” Tyrhallan cut his tongue immediately as he replied. “No Sir.” “You will report to the rear, be glad I don’t demote you! You’re a sorry excuse for a commanding officer! Now you will bear the consequences of that, your Uncle is no longer here to protect you. I don’t want you anywhere near me as far as I am concerned. This is war and I won’t stand for mediocrity.” He said before he cut the feed. As the screen turned black a heavy sigh followed before Tyrhallan turned to the Captain. “Thank you, I believe you have your heading now.” Was all he said calmly, before nodding his head in thanks and heading towards the door.