[@Lord Indra] [hider=Lou Fu family and Amur Liger history] Moving away from China right as the appearance of quirk came about, Lou Fu great-great-grandfather settled down in Malaysia for a long time and it was this period where Lou Fu family quirk emerged which was the tiger quirk. Throughout that time, the first of the Lou Fu great-grandfather didn't make an emergence but it was Lou Fu Sai Yuk, father of Lou Fu Tai Yuk or the Amur Tiger and grandfather to Lou Fu Yeng Hong that took the scene as the first of his family to join the ranks of hero. This is the beginning of the Tiger legacy. Both parents, by sheer coincidence, had a tiger and lionness quirk. Usually, the resulting would have created a Tigon but a quirk of fate had him inherited Liger traits instead. This resulted in a combination of having increased strength, speed, sharp nose but lacked the tiger ears and tail. While the celebrity days of Heroes hadn't caught on in the southeast Asia side, the Amur Liger took the job as a hero both for practical purposes as it was both well-paid and contribute to society with his powers. Arresting and stopping villains, stopping triads, as well as doing joint operations with other heroes in Japan. One that he famously received an injury to his left eye during an intense operation, leading it to be permanently gone. As one of the older heroes, Amur Liger both possess the experience and refinement of a veteran hero, even more so than his son. Working with the police and government on a commission basis rather than the full-position of the Amur Tiger since he was close to retirement age but was still willing to dedicate the last few years to be a hero until then. Despite his age and injury, the Amur Liger still proved himself to be more than a match since he's still the current fifth hero in all of south-east Asia. [hider=Lou Fu Sai Yuk / The Amur Liger] [img]https://img4.goodfon.com/original/1280x720/3/5c/drifters-drifter-anime-manga-game-man-hannibal-thunderbolt-o.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/hider] If there's anymore detail you want me to expand, feel free to ask me and I'll get right to it.