Narda looked about the squalid homes and frowned. It reflected badly on them as rulers that such squalor exists, limited resources or not. She looked at her companions and neither seemed overly bothered. Daryll was too focused on observing and watching for signs, and Ysaryn seemed to be doing the same, too. Ahead of them, they saw the home that was allegedly the place where these pariahs of the town lived, and her gaze shifted to the man who had revealed himself upon their approach. He struck her at once as a shady character, not unlike the slimy men she and the [i]Wenches[/i] had had to deal with. She particularly didn’t like the look he cast at Ysaryn and Daryll. Her opinion of him did not improve upon hearing his question. The mayor sniffed, displeased with the man’s lack of tact. “Darus, these are friends of the crown. Honored guests! They are here to, ah, investigate the matter with Lyta.” “Oh, no,” Narda said with a grin, her hand on the handle of her battle axe, “why don’t you elaborate for us what you meant by ‘taking her’ somewhere.” Even with sleep tugging at her mind, she would make short work of any of these men by herself, should they be stupid enough to act against her. Daryll, though, was half paying attention, his eyes moving to the door and the grimy windows. “’Lyta’? Is that your daughter’s name?” he said, looking about as if expecting the woman to pop out and introduce herself. -- Kire smirked at Ruli’s response. As Gavin held Envy’s arm, Kire took Ruli’s and stepped closer. “First sign of danger, Walk out.” While she was prepared to do this alone, she was still grateful they had made up their minds about joining her. One ready, they stepped in. Maybe because they had spent a day here already, but Kire didn’t find the heat too unbearable this time. Or maybe the goddess had started worming her way into her mind. [i]Hopefully it’s the former.[/i] Gavin was quiet as he helped guide Envy. “Just tell me if you need to look,” he said to his mentor. While nothing about this forest felt familiar, it did remind him of the last time he had seen his mother. She didn’t explain herself, only said they were in danger and she had to send him away for his safety. Only, he got sent away with a brute who taught him to steal or face beatings before he got himself killed at the hands of a blood mage and his doll. His childhood was a haze. That last distinct memory had taken place in a forest like this one. [i]And the dream…[/i] Ahead he saw a hooded figure and stopped, grasping Envy tight. “Does everyone see that?” he asked. He squeezed his lids shut and shook his head, pinching himself with his free hand. When he opened his eyes the figure was still there, only farther away. Their back was turned to him. [i]Illusion, or vision?[/i] “[i]In every thread, blood always follows you[/i]…” Who said that? Gavin drew breath. [i]Don’t let go.[/i] “[i]When the Wyvern and the Gemini cross paths, blood always follows.[/i]” At his feet, the body of a young woman with sand-colored hair, eyes open and glassed over in death, her body twisted in a manner that betrayed her horrible fate. In a blink, her body frosted over as if covered in ice, turning into crystal. Gavin screamed, stepped back, and let go.