and finally, she is here! took me longer than i thought. [hider][center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [table=] [cell] [center][sub] [img][/img][/sub] [color=93bebd] _______________________________________________[/color] [color=DAA69B]|[/color][color=silver][sub] 23 [/sub][color=DAA69B]|[/color][sub] cis Female [/sub][color=DAA69B]|[/color][sub] Lesbian [/sub][color=DAA69B][b]|[/b][/color] [color=DAA69B]|[/color][sub] Stripper [/sub][color=DAA69B]|[/color][/color] [color=93bebd] _______________________________________________[/color] [img][/img] [/center] [/cell] [cell] [color=DAA69B]APPERANCE[/color] [color=93bebd]____________________________________________________________________________[/color] [indent][color=silver][sub] While Jenara is only only 5 foot and 4 inches, she likes to stand out from others. Her skin is covered in dark freckles and her hazel eyes draw people in. She loves to dye her hair all sorts of color and loves to style it in all sorts of ways. She has a bit of extra weight all around her body but she doesn't mind the rolls on her stomach and the light stretchmarks on her sides. Jenara loves herself, and other love Jenera and that's all that matters. Jenara loves pastel colors, especially pink. She's often seen around wearing cute skirts and flowy dresses when she's out of work. She will always make comfortable clothing more fashionable and bold. You'll never catch her outside without some drip. While at work, Jenera tends to wear darker colors. She likes the separation between her life and work, so her go-to colors at work after black, red, and purple. [/sub][/color][/indent] [color=DAA69B]PERSONALITY[/color] [color=93bebd]____________________________________________________________________________[/color] [indent][color=silver][sub] Friendly [color=DAA69B]|[/color] Manipulative [color=DAA69B]|[/color] Guarded [color=DAA69B]|[/color] Cheerful [color=DAA69B]|[/color] Blunt [color=DAA69B]|[/color] Selfish Jenara understands that life is a bitch. That doesn't mean you have to let it make you it's bitch either. She lives her life to the fullest without letting others bring her down. She has been down there already and has done so much to pick herself from the bootstraps to let a few shitty situations take her down again. She loves to talk to people and always lends a helping hand to those who are willing to take it. Her outward look on life always stays positive as she tries to make the best out of every situation. Jenara uses people's ignorance of her as an advantage. Strangers see a bubbly naive girl down on her luck as a stripper- Jenara sees an opportunity to play with people and teach them a lesson. She hates being perceived as some damsel in distress. The woman knows how to fight, and she's not afraid to do so. [/sub][/color][/indent] [color=DAA69B]BIOGRAPHY[/color] [color=93bebd]____________________________________________________________________________[/color] [indent][color=silver][sub] Raised by a single mother along with her two younger brothers, Jenara's family struggled to make meets end. Sure, they would go days with eating the same thing and sometimes their water was cut, but the lack of love was never an issue in her life. Her mother, Kiera, loved all of her children unconditionally as the children loved their mother. Growing up, Jenara did her best to help her mother. Be it go with her to clean homes or clean around the house and care for her younger brothers. While she had been forced to mature faster than other kids her age, Jenara didn't mind. She was happy where she was, with her brothers and her mother. Things began to look better for them when Jenara turned 16 and was finally able to get a job at a Burger King a few blocks away. She didn't mind working after school, and it was nice to help her mom pay the bills. Besides, she was able to keep at least 20% of what she made. Jenara would treat her family to dinner at the local Armenian restaurant and spend some money on herself. After graduation, Jenara joined one of her friends in auditioning for a strip club in downtown Chicago. It was supposed to be a new club with a "high-end" clientele. Luckily enough, Jenara and her friend got the job. While Jenara's mother was against the idea at first, she became a little more open to it after her daughter's first week there. The clientele were older gentlemen who would ask for private dances but always opted out to just talk with Jenara rather than have her dance. Jenara didn't mind either way, as long as she was getting paid enough to help her family out. After working a few years there, Jenara had finally saved enough money to put a downpayment on a home about 30 minutes away from downtown Chicago. Her mother was finally able to get more time off work and stay home where she started a little garden in their backyard. Her two younger brothers continued to help out with the bills, but Jenara encouraged them to study more. She was determined to get them into college. [/sub][/color][/indent] [color=DAA69B]OTHER[/color] [color=93bebd]____________________________________________________________________________[/color] [indent][color=silver][sub]Unknown | [color=DAA69B] #DAA69B[/color][/sub] [list ] [*] [sub] Character is disposable.[/sub] [*] [sub] Speaks English and Spanish.[/sub] [*] [sub] Has a nicotine addiction.[/sub] [*] [sub] Loves the color pink.[/sub] [*] [sub] Knows how to fire a handgun and self-defense.[/sub] [/list][/color][/indent] [/cell] [/table] [/hider]