[quote=@Blizz] [hider=Alice “Nightstalker” Crawford] [center][img] https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse4.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.uJWmOcPHE__Qxrh9cq2ocwAAAA%26pid%3DApi&f=1[/img] [url= https://youtu.be/IhqqZN0H7CI]Aesthetic[/url] [color=6666aa][u][b][h3][sub]| NAME : Alice Crawford |[/sub][/h3][/b][/u][/color] [color=6666aa][u][b][h3][sub]| CODENAME : Nightstalker|[/sub][/h3][/b][/u][/color] [color=6666aa][u][b][h3][sub]| DOB : 12 - 8 - 2003 |[/sub][/h3][/b][/u][/color] [color=6666aa][u][b][h3][sub]| PLACE OF BIRTH : Swindon, TX |[/sub][/h3][/b][/u][/color] [color=6666aa][u][b][h3][sub]| GENDER : F |[/sub][/h3][/b][/u][/color] [color=6666aa][u][b][h3][sub]| PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION |[/sub][/h3][/b][/u][/color] Slender and spry, agent Nightstalker only weighs roughly 170lb and stands at 5'7" tall. She has fair, lightly tanned skin with a clear complexion on most of her body. Her eyes are a warm, dark brown that matches her somewhat wavy hair, which she typically wears down to her waist in social scenarios. Agent Nightstalker's fashion sense typically consists of muted, dark tones and pale grays in all of her clothes, as well as a singular pair of knee high boots and a [url=https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.MSR1wfnb9YfwS8BXueNrLgHaJi%26pid%3DApi&f=1]longcoat[/url], which she is seen wearing virtually every day. [color=6666aa][u][b][h3][sub]| PERSONALITY |[/sub][/h3][/b][/u][/color] Agent Nightstalker does not show signs of extroversion, she prefers to stick to small groups of people and is seen to be quite approachable in favorable social scenes, she is slow to be agitated, showing a great deal of patience and discipline when provoked. Though she doesn't enjoy confrontation, Agent Nightstalker rarely hesitates to come to the defense of a friend when it is needed, friends being anyone she is close with, there is no in-between: either you are a close friend, or you are a stranger; Promenade rarely has to take any form of disciplinary actions against Agent Nightstalker, but her record is questionable due to her tendency to tamper with her equipment. This appears to stem from her own curiosity and a desire to better herself, and while Agent Nightstalker is never known to lie when she is seen doing this, it happens often enough that it is best to check in and observe what she is doing in the event that she inflicts any manner of permanent damage to her gear. Agent Nightstalker shows signs of regular anxiety, observation suggests this stems from her relationship with her family, but it never hinders her ability as an agent of Promenade. She has a tendency to latch on to people that she lets in to get to know her, though she’s slow to trust people, she’s even slower to let them go. LIKES : Nighttime, archery, sharp things, fashion, designing gadgets. DISLIKES : Bright light, unexpected things, tense social interactions, noise. [color=6666aa][u][b][h3][sub]| GOALS |[/sub][/h3][/b][/u][/color] Agent Nightstalker has been noted on several occasions to only wish to work for Promenade for the rest of her capable life, despite the advantages being an agent comes with, but she also has been seen to have a keen interest in electrical technology, we have records of her school transcript suggesting a desire to pursue this as a career, but her own word suggests otherwise. [color=6666aa][u][b][h3][sub]| FEARS |[/sub][/h3][/b][/u][/color] She has shown numerous times to mostly fear the things the cannot anticipate. Anything from being asked about a certain topic to having to change a plan for a mission shakes her the most, she fears not being prepared the most. [color=6666aa][u][b][h3][sub]| SEXUAL PREFERENCE : BISEXUAL |[/sub][/h3][/b][/u][/color] [color=6666aa][u][b][h3][sub]| SKILLSET |[/sub][/h3][/b][/u][/color] [u][b]STEALTH:[/b][/u] Agent Nightstalker's greatest strength lies in her ability to navigate territory undetected, she is best suited for missions where covert action is the most important (recon, rescue, espionage, etc.) [u][b]ARMED CQC:[/b][/u] Though virtually useless without a weapon, Agent Nightstalker tends to favor the use of daggers in CQC scenarios, her custom made daggers serve her well. She prefers to use numerous debilitating maneuvers to disable or immobilize a target she cannot dispatch without immediate trouble. Agent Nightstalker appears to have a habit of carrying around small, concealable pocket knives at all times outside of missions. [u][b]ARCHERY:[/b][/u] Agent Nightstalker is not at all opposed to using firearms, on missions, she prefers to carry a pistol no matter what, but she has a talent for using bows with lethal proficiency, and will very strongly refuse to turn down a combat bow in favor of something like a sniper rifle; in her own words, "A sniper's too bulky, bows are quieter too." [u][b]ACROBATICS:[/b][/u] Agent Nightstalker’s mode of operations are complimented by her agility, she is capable of deftly executing various high-mobility maneuvers from backflips to long slides across the ground to scaling vertical terrain through jumping off of walls. This does not, however, give her any sort of CQC advantage, as she doesn’t use it for attacking. [color=6666aa][u][b][h3][sub]| GADGETS |[/sub][/h3][/b][/u][/color] [u][b]SYNC-SIGHT:[/b][/u] A radar visor that connects to Agent Nightstalker's neural sync for tactical missions. The most prominent feature is night vision, which is granted through the use of a radar that displays visuals electronically, though the technology is limited to a colorless image. This allows her to see perfectly in pitch black environments without exposing her location with light. Because Agent Nightstalker's Sync-Sight visor is designed to connect to her neural sync, her fellow agents can use a device to see through her eyes, as long as the image can be received, anyone with this device can observe anything Agent Nightstalker observes. A secondary feature to this visor is the addition of a digital compass and a clock set to military time, which Agent Nightstalker rarely makes use of. These metrics are displayed towards the bottom of Agent Nightstalker's field of vison in an electric purple color to distinguish them from everything else. [u][b]VISOR CAMERA:[/b][/u] A device the size of an iPhone that plugs into a USB port to receive transmissions from Agent Nightstalker's visor. This device does not allow the user to manipulate the video stream, but it is built with a 500GB hard drive that can store screenshots of what she sees. Agent Nightstalker refers to this devise as the "Syncam." [u][b]NS3-ARBALEST:[/b][/u] The third iteration of a combat bow suited for stealth missions that Agent Nightstalker personally designed with professional help, the Nightstalker Mk 3 "Arbalest" is a 4.5 foot long compound bow with a draw weight of roughly 120lb. The custom made carbon fiber arrows designed specifically for this weapon can hit a target with lethal force up to roughly 100 meters. Above the grip is a holographic sight in the shape of a circle. The arms of the bow are silenced with polymer padding across the back. The arrows are stored in a compact quiver worn at the right hip, designed to compress the arrows to prevent them from falling out. Agent Nightstalker is capable of carrying roughly 50 arrows at a time. [u][b]NS-SPIDER TAIL: [/b][/u] A grappling hook device worn on each of Agent Nightstalker's forearms. These devices each weigh 1.5lb and fire a cable with 200lb of pull strength with a distance of 60 feet. The spider tails each have enough mechanical and pull strength to propel Agent Nightstalker forward, which required her to develop the appropriate body strength to work with the force. These devices, like her visor, connect to her neural sync, meaning they are not activated manually, but with her mind. Agent Nightstalker's visor shows the status of each one separately, and tells her if they are retracting, recompressing for a refire, as well as how much force is being applied to them. When the cables are being reeled back in, they require roughly ten seconds to recompress, since they are spring loaded. The grappling hooks must be reeled in with the same method as they are fired, which allows them to be kept out if Agent Nightstalker needs to cling to a surface off the ground. [u][b]SMOKE GRENADES:[/b][/u] Small canisters no bigger than the palm of one’s hand that, once triggered, spew out thick clouds of blinding smoke to disorient enemies. Agent Nightstalker’s visor allows her to see through these clouds. The smoke grenades store their compound in the form of a 1 gallon liquid that is pressurized in a vacuum chamber. Pulling the pin on the top of the canister will create a spark that ignited the liquid before pressure is released, this is when the grenade is meant to be thrown. It is nontoxic in all forms, and will therefore not be used to bring down a target through suffocation or anything similar. The smoke will eventually decompose into waste gasses and become undetectable by sight, taste, or smell. [u][b]KNIVES:[/b][/u] A pair of daggers designed to be a hybrid between a stiletto and a trench knife, made from W-1 hardened, hollow ground tempered steel. The blades are 8.5 inches long, double edged, and perfect for either stabbing deep into something or slashing something into ribbons. Across the hilt of these daggers is a pair of knuckle dusters, coming from the trench knife half of the design, that support use in either regular grip form or reverse grip. [color=6666aa][u][b][h3][sub]| SHORTCOMINGS |[/sub][/h3][/b][/u][/color] [u][b]UNARMED CQC:[/b][/u] Agent Nightstalker’s proficiency with daggers, while greatly beneficial in close quarters situations, results in her being helpless without them, without a blade in hand, she is left with no helpful option but to draw her pistol, this is a stark constraint to her preference for quiet discretion, but she does what she has to. [u][b]SOCIAL SKILLS:[/b][/u] While she is capable of befriending other agents of Promenade, Agent Nightstalker is an introvert, she doesn’t do well in large groups or on the spot social interaction. Perhaps this is a side effect of her preferred manner of carrying out missions, or perhaps she never developed very in depth social skills, but it is one of her biggest set backs in missions where stealth isn’t an option. [u][b]INFELXIBILITY:[/b][/u] Nothing bothers Agent Nightstalker more than having to adapt to a situation she could not foresee. She invests a lot into a singular plan and does her best to execute it as best as possible, but not every scenario is quiet, and she isn’t always undetected. Agent Nightstalker has made efforts to overcome this flaw, but significant progress has yet to be observed. [color=6666aa][u][b][h3][sub]| OTHER |[/sub][/h3][/b][/u][/color] Color - 6666aa [color=6666aa][u][b][h3][sub]| HISTORY |[/sub][/h3][/b][/u][/color] [color=6666aa]”Well, I grew up in Swindon. Went to school here and everything, this is Texas, so it’s not exactly good for someone like me: a girl, unspoken for, you know, the things people in the Bible Belt try to tell you how to do. Mom and dad- they mean well, surely, but they don’t always want the best for me, they always acted like they wanted what they [i]thought[/i] would’ve been better for me. There’s a reason they don’t know I’m not entirely straight. Growing up, I liked messing around with electronic stuff, motors, circuits, that kind of thing. They thought it was cute that I was messing with that stuff, but any time I told them I wanted to make that my life, they gave this condescending look. Honey, that’s a man’s job, they said. Let your husband do that for you, they said. Get a husband, stay at home and have kids. That’s what they wanted for me. I always tell them I’d rather get my hands dirty myself, but they always told me the world doesn’t work that way. Alice, women don’t fool with breakers and wires, Alice, women stay at home. They never listened to me, they always tried to make me do what they wanted me to do. That’s the kind of thing you get told in Texas. Be a “proper” girl. I guess that’s why I never felt comfortable with telling them about high school. I didn’t want to hear the whole “You’re a Hen Among Roosters” dogma that they liked to tell me about. Right about now, I started feeling like I preferred girls, you can imagine how I didn’t need that in their head, so I just kept it quiet. I saved up enough allowance money from doing chores and bought a nice bow and arrows and a practice target for the backyard, I thought it was interesting and figured I’d give it a try. They didn’t give me as much flak as I’d imagine for it. They liked seeing me find something I enjoyed. I got pretty good pretty quick. Maybe that’s why they wanted me. Anyway, I’m 17, and have college in a year or two, I’ve told them several times that I don’t want to change my major, I took shop classes around electric tech but thanks to them I never got to actually work on something. I just got to learn science and all that. I’ve been wanting to go to a good school for it, but every time I get asked, they’re mad I don’t want to change my mind and be some housewife. I wasn’t sure what I was going to do, they wouldn’t let me go down my own road. At least that was until Promenade found me. They told me I could take control of my life, I just had to be a spy. Back in freshman year when I was more dead set on it, it hurt that they wouldn’t accept it. When Promenade told me they could help with that, I felt like I’d be stupid not to accept it. So yeah, now I’m a spy who likes sharp things and making weapons. At this rate, I could just stay here, I get to be myself.” “Don’t tell mom and dad I said that.” [/color] [color=6666aa][u][b][h3][sub]| GRADING |[/sub][/h3][/b][/u][/color] [u][b]STRENGTH: [/b][/u]B+ - This stems from her agility, she is not built for brute force fighting. [u][b]INTELLIGENCE: [/b][/u]B - Her best subjects are math and physical science, seconded by English and the rest. [u][b]CQC: [/b][/u]C - While she is great with knives, this would be a higher grade if she weren’t so reliant on them for CQC. [u][b]FIREARMS: [/b][/u]C- - Agent Nightstalker is unmatched as an archer, but a bow is not a firearm. Her skill with handguns is the same as all Promenade agents, but rarely put to use. [u][b]CONCEALMENT & DISGUISE: [/b][/u]A+ - Agent Nightstalker was practically born for this. If she is hiding from you, you have virtually no chance of finding her. [u][b]STRATEGIC THINKING & LEADERSHIP: [/b][/u]B+ - Given the low profile nature of the missions Agent Nightstalker is best suited for, she has plenty of time to asses a scene and gather information to form a plan. This would be higher if she could improvise better. [u][b]MENTAL AGILITY & INTUITION: [/b][/u] D- - Agent Nightstalker tries to learn improvisation, but so far she falls shortest here due to the amount of time she puts into a Plan A, while neglecting a Plan B. [u][b]HACKING & COMPUTER OPERATION: [/b][/u]B+ - All agents are capable of basic operation with their Promenade-issued watches, but Agent Nightstalker’s habit for exploring the capabilities of the technology she comes across sets her just above average, though agents more versed in this outclass her easily. [u][b]OBSERVATION & INTERROGATION: [/b][/u]A - Agent Nightstalker’s environmental awareness is very well developed as a result of undergoing many missions where stealth is paramount, from reconnaissance to infiltration, but she is nothing special when it comes to interrogation compared to the average agent. [u][b]LINGUISTICS: [/b][/u]B- - Agent Nightstalker is nothing compared to Agent Babel, but she is decent at understanding other languages, just as all agents should be. [u][b]TEAMWORK & COOPERATION: [/b][/u]B+ - She certainly has no issues with being on a team with other agents, but Agent Nightstalker’s role in a team usually places her far away from the rest where she can watch them from afar. Such situations are where she is the best team player she can be.[/center] [/hider] [/quote] I looked for every possible way to reject this application but unfortunately I cannot. Looks good, move it on over :p [quote=@Jumbus] [hider=Oliver "Static" Woods][center][url=https://imgbb.com/][img]https://i.ibb.co/KzcQT83/unnamed.jpg[/img][/url] [url=https://ibb.co/CKbqNGP][img]https://i.ibb.co/xq1yPTF/08c05f69c9f28200aa9c0899b9a7094f.png[/img][/url] [/center] [center] [u][h2][color=B7B7B7]B A S I C S[/color][/h2] [/u] [/center] [u][b][color=B7B7B7]N A M E [/color][/b][/u] Oliver Gordon Woods [u][b][color=B7B7B7]N I C K N A M E / A L I A S [/color][/b][/u] Ollie [u][b][color=B7B7B7]C O D E N A M E [/color][/b][/u] Static [u][b][color=B7B7B7]A G E (G R A D E) [/color][/b][/u] Junior (16) [u][b][color=B7B7B7]P L A C E O F B I R T H [/color][/b][/u] Amity, Maine [u][b][color=B7B7B7]G E N D E R [/color][/b][/u] Male (he/him) [center][u][h2][color=B7B7B7]A P P E A R A N C E[/color][/h2][/u][/center] [u][b][color=B7B7B7]P H Y S I C A L D E S C R I P T I O N [/color][/b][/u] Oliver stands a little bit shorter than average. While he thinks he has more room to grow, he is yet to accept he was an early bloomer. He isn't particularly muscular and is generally a bit less fit and more thin than the average student at Prom. Which is still reasonably fit. His posture tends to be laid back. [u][b][color=B7B7B7]H E I G H T [/color][/b][/u] 5'10" [u][b][color=B7B7B7]W E I G H T [/color][/b][/u] 139 lbs. [u][b][color=B7B7B7]E T H N I C I T Y [/color][/b][/u] Caucasian [center][u][h2][color=B7B7B7]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/color][/h2][/u][/center] [u][b][color=B7B7B7]P E R S O N A L D E S C R I P T I O N [/color][/b][/u] Bolstered by just his acceptance into Prom, Olly has confidence in his stride. The reality of him just being a big fish from a small pond is yet to set in fully for him. The concept is slowly dawning on him though, particularly with his poor performance in some aspects of the grading. He isn't hot shit in Prom, he is just one of number of others equal to him in their own way. Despite him respecting each classmate as an equal, he has yet to accept that. Oliver is quite introverted, but is quite capable of socialization. He tends to make himself go into social situations as he knows he needs to improve on his communication both in and outside of missions. [u][b][color=B7B7B7]L I K E S [/color][/b][/u][list] [*][color=B7B7B7][b]Strategy Games:[/b][/color] During free time or under need to destress, Ollie plays strategy games. Age of Empires 2 is his favourite. [*][color=B7B7B7][b]Tech Study:[/b][/color] Ollie loves tinkering with tech. Any thing new he comes across brings a compulsion to pick it apart and see how it works. [*][color=B7B7B7][b]Skating:[/b][/color] There are some exceptions to Ollie's general disinterest with sport. Skating is the main one. He skates to high school. [*][color=B7B7B7][b]Improvising:[/b][/color] When the original plans falls through, he sees recovering from that as a challenge. [*][color=B7B7B7][b]When a plan comes together:[/b][/color] Ben likes to have things charted out ahead of time, and loves to craft a good game plan, whether that be before a football player or a high-stakes operation. [/list] [u][b][color=B7B7B7]D I S L I K E S [/color][/b][/u][list] [*][color=B7B7B7][b]Taking someone's orders when their plan is flawed:[/b][/color] [color=B7B7B7]"I don't follow a failing plan, its as simple as that. You can't force me in to losing."[/color] [*][color=B7B7B7][b]Tests of strength:[/b][/color] Ollie isn't strong and he can be insecure about that. He doesn't like being confronted with it. [/list] [u][b][color=B7B7B7]G O A L S [/color][/b][/u][list] [*][color=B7B7B7][b]Become a leader:[/b][/color] Ollie has a goal to prove himself and extend his abilities as much as possible [*][color=B7B7B7][b]Stay in this life:[/b][/color] Ollie knows this life won't last. He intends to fight that. If he gets his memory wiped he knows that he will likely still be trying to reach out to these agencies to no success. A wasted life.[/list] [u][b][color=B7B7B7]F E A R S [/color][/b][/u][list] [*][color=B7B7B7][b]Stagnation:[/b][/color] Ollie has to continue rising. [*][color=B7B7B7][b]Failure:[/b][/color] As with any profession, failure is to be feared. [*][color=B7B7B7][b]Becoming ordinary:[/b][/color] Ollie will not return to his old life. [/list] [u][b][color=B7B7B7]S E X U A L P R E F E R E N C E [/color][/b][/u] [color=B7B7B7]"Wouldn't you like to know"[/color] [center][u][h2][color=B7B7B7]H I S T O R Y[/color][/h2][/u][/center] [u][b][color=B7B7B7]B R I E F B I O [/color][/b][/u] Oliver grew up in Amity, Maine. That about sums up his early life. To put it simply he was a big fish in a very small and mundane pond. He didn't struggle with his subjects and he didn't care a great deal for sports, so he ended up with a lot of free time. He played around with various hobbies to pass the time and was quickly drawn to technology, strategy games, and weird indie music. And while the last of those three ended up being a strange phase, the other two remain some of his top passions to this day. But in the time and place he was in, this all meant nothing. Amity, Maine isn't exactly known for producing brilliant engineers and the sort. That was for a good reason, there is nothing there. Looking at the prospect of his potential being wasted, Oliver decided he needed to make a statement. He always heard about men in black and stories like that, maybe he could be loud enough for them to hear. In a particular classified location, all security cameras went off at once. Oliver, using some homebrewed tools, was able to make his way into the security room. In the adrenaline of it all succeeding, he didn't question why the room was empty. All he did was count down until the cameras would come back online. When they did he would have his arms up leaving the facility untouched aside from the fact that he was now inside. 5... 4... he couldn't help the smile spreading across his face 3... 2... he feel unconscious. Oliver woke up in an interrogation room. PROM explained to him that they had been watching him for a while. They knew about his plan and laxed up on security to make it more possible. I was a test. They then gave him an offer. It was an offer he couldn't refuse. [center][u][h2][color=B7B7B7]S K I L L S E T[/color][/h2][/u][/center] [u][b][color=B7B7B7]T A L E N T S [/color][/b][/u][list] [*][color=B7B7B7][b]Strategy/Planning:[/b][/color] Any situation, any challenge, any twist. Ollie has a plan and some things up his sleeve. [*][color=B7B7B7][b]Disruption:[/b] "Make them blind, deaf, and mute. Then they don't have a hope of winning."[/color] [/list] [u][b][color=B7B7B7]G A D G E T S [/color][/b][/u][list] [*][color=B7B7B7][b]EMP Grenades:[/b][/color] These grenades emit a pulse that disables electronics for a very short time. But it forces every system in the area to restart which can be disastrous for larger systems. They can be put on a timer. [*][color=B7B7B7][b]Comms jammers:[/b][/color] These are devices that can be set up on any surface. As long as they remain functional only a very small bandwidth of frequencies may pass through in an area around it. These are set to allow PROM comms to pass through. [*][color=B7B7B7][b]Burrow Cams:[/b][/color] A device that can burrow through a wide range of surfaces offering visual on the other side.tle dart. [*][color=B7B7B7][b]Tracker Mites:[/b][/color] A gun that can fire small tracking chips. Due to their incredibly small size they are difficult to notice when attached, but they cannot emit a powerful signal so their emission range is quite low. The feedback to a tablet on Static's forearm that can read the position of the tracker. Static often gets someone else to shoot the gun due to his lack of aim. While not immune to EMP, they are designed to operate well under sudden shut off and restart conditions making them resistant. [*][color=B7B7B7][b]Field Medic Kit:[/b][/color] After a few too many allies getting wounds in the field, Ollie thought it nessecary to learn the medical field. Well, at least enough to patch people up. He is still learning. [/list] [hider=Videos in theme with Static's specialization] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9CmqbLmW9IQ&ab_channel=Ekopingviini[/youtube] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ueveGDiv_OQ&ab_channel=Ekopingviini[/youtube] [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Grading] [center][h1][color=B7B7B7][u]Grading[/u][/color][/h1][/center] [color=B7B7B7][u]Strength:[/u][/color] C- While capable and fit for the average teen, he does not stack up very well compared to other Prom students. He is not particularly strong or fast. [color=B7B7B7][u]Intelligence:[/u][/color] A He makes standard high school subjects seem like a cake walk. He does not need to study long hours to grasp subjects at all. [color=B7B7B7][u]Close-Quarters Combat:[/u][/color] D His lack of strength and speed hinder him greatest here. Although he is able to read his opponents moves sufficiently, he is unable to capitalize on it because of his lack of ability. His attacks are slow and can be easily read compared to other students. [color=B7B7B7][u]Firearms:[/u][/color] B- He has memorized effective ranges and can count magazines to the last bullet to most firearms in the armory. However, this does not make up for his sub par ability to aim. He is suited to close range firearms like shotguns. [color=B7B7B7][u]Concealment and Disguise:[/u][/color] B+ Good capabilities with concealment given the option he is much more capable of this. His disguises could use some more work particularly in his voice work. [color=B7B7B7][u]Strategic Thinking/Leadership:[/u][/color] A- Can make up solid plans on the spot and can execute them effectively. He has some trouble communicating his ideas. [color=B7B7B7][u]Mental Agility/Intuition:[/u][/color] A+ With a change of situation, he can formulate and execute a new plan at the drop of a hat. In test simulations, he could only be caught out by events that weren't logically possible. [color=B7B7B7][u]Hacking/Computer Operation:[/u][/color] B While he is capable, he ends up being only average at this. In his words 'I would rather pull out the plug than bother with all this'. This, of course, is not always the best course of action. [color=B7B7B7][u]Observation/Interrogation:[/u][/color] C+ Struggles to read body movement in an interrogation setting. Additionally, he isn't very capable on intimidation. [color=B7B7B7][u]Linguistics:[/u][/color] C+ He knows French quite well in theory but his pronunciation needs work. [color=B7B7B7][u]Teamwork/Cooperation: [/u][/color] B Capable of team work and following orders, until he disagrees with them. If a plan outright fails, he has a tendency to revert to his own plans. These negatives however are not frequent enough to give a lower grade. [/hider] [hider=Relationships] [u]Binx[/u] Static and Binx constantly butt heads on missions. He gives out orders in accordance to his plan and she ignores them. For good reason, Static is younger than her and fails to communicate many details of his plans. This changes outside of missions, they get along out of an equal interest in developing tech and devices. [color=B7B7B7]"I mean yeah, I think up a flawless plan and she just goes off and does her own thing. That can be frustrating. But when it comes to being back at Prom, honestly I take notes on her approach to design. It seems effortless to her and she can make the same thing at the same power with cheaper components. Shes clearly done a lot more hands on learning with this kind of stuff. Where I was just hitting the books at home for the longest time. So yeah when I see a place I can improve, I take notes."[/color] [u]Bug[/u] Static and Bug have a mutual understanding of making each others lives harder through constant pranks and jokes on each other. [color=B7B7B7]"People who say that bugs can't do harm clearly don't know history. Every time a group of people are working on crops or keeping cattle, a big swarm of bugs come in to ruin the day. Its why coding mistakes are called bugs and its probably why Agent Bug took that codename. I can't tell you how many times I have been working on some digital gizmo and its suddenly turns off or starts to blink weird colors. Only for me to look across the room and see Em laughing. Its half the reason I work in analog as well now. You might ask why this does bother me? Well, its because I do the same shit right back.[/color] [u]Aster and Honey[/u] The are a few agents which Ollie would prefer to keep relations strictly professional. [color=B7B7B7]"Whether its being intimidated by them or if they just bum me out. I don't think its in my best interested to get close. On second thought its a mix of both."[/color] [u]Kingfisher[/u] While the two keep pleasant out of mission relations, Static appreciates Kingfisher during a mission a lot more. [color=B7B7B7]"What is there to say. He is good at dispatching people and can operate in a team well, there isn't a better person to have on a team. He could lighten up a bit though."[/color] [/hider] [/quote] Much better, looks a lot cleaner! The personality section [i]is[/i] a little thinner than I would like, so I would like to see it fleshed out a little more [i]at some point.[/i] That being said, you can move it over right now and elaborate on it more once we get IC :)